Chuck Norris Facts On Oil--Straight From The Man Himself

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Jan 31, 2002
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Mahomet, IL
I categorized this as "Fuel and MPG", because it deals with gas prices.

Congress, get off your gas, and drill!

by Chuck Norris

June 9, 2008

Last Thursday oil prices increased $5.50 per barrel in one day. Last Friday marked the biggest single-day surge in oil price history, rocketing $11 more to $138 on the New York Mercantile Exchange. In just two days, oil costs increased 13 percent.

Average Americans are literally driving to the poor house on financial fumes. With gas at more than $4 per gallon, roughly two cars in every household, and the average annual gas usage at 700 gallons, you do the math. Americans are being forced to use their hard-earned money that once put food in their stomachs to now put petroleum into their tanks, but to drive the exact same distances they drove a decade ago for four-to-five times the price.

As oil and gas prices skyrocket, Congress continues to play the blame game. In April 2006, with the Democrats poised to take over Congress with Nancy Pelosi at the helm, she released a statement saying, "With skyrocketing gas prices, it is clear that the American people can no longer afford the Republican Rubber Stamp Congress." She followed that with the commitment, "Democrats have a common sense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging." So has the Democrat's commonsense plan worked? Average gas prices were about $2.50 a gallon at the time. Now they're $4 a gallon and rising. Some crack-down plan.

Meanwhile, in the Senate, they are going to discuss this week a cap-and-trade system, something that Obama and MCain both support. The main problem is official estimates say that it will increase gas by another $1.50 a gallon. Or as Newt Gringrich said in an interview recently with Glenn Beck, "It should be called 'Raise prices and destroy jobs' because that's what it will do. It's going to raise the price of gasoline; it's going to raise the price of diesel fuel for truckers. It's going to raise the price of aviation fuel for an already ailing airline industry. It's going to raise the price of heating oil. It's going to raise the price of natural gas, and it's going to raise the price of coal."

From the steady decline in the value of our dollar, to trade deficits and oil dependency, our sovereignty is being sold out from underneath us. Might I remind the federal government what one of their original and primary charges is: to protect the American public from the tyranny of foreign powers – which is exactly what is happening through others' financial rule over us. It is sucking the life out of our economy. And Congress is virtually standing by and watching it happen.

Look at the energy chaos that our government has allowed. While we remain at the mercy of oil companies, cartels and OPEC, our government has tied the hands of states and citizens to tap even temporary energy relief from our own land. Here are a few key vistas on the oil and energy landscape at the moment:

-Though we have more oil in the shale of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming than combined in the

Middle East (800 billion barrels), liberals and environmentalists have made it illegal to touch


-It's illegal to drill in northern Alaska (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge), or off the coasts of

Florida or California.

-Oil fields in Colorado are being shut down.

-We won't develop shale oil fields in the Western states

-It's illegal to explore in the Atlantic.

-It's illegal to explore in the Pacific

-It's illegal to explore in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico

-We're not receiving any more leases to drill in the Gulf of Mexico, while China, Venezuela

and Cuba are.

-We haven't built an oil refinery in 25 years and reduced in half those we have

-There's enough natural gas beneath America (406 trillion cube feet) to heat every home in

America fo
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Yes, he did write that. He's published a column at WorldNet Daily for a few years now, and is now syndicated in newspapers around the country.
Why are these common sense decisions so hard for our government to understand? I dont think I am even going to vote for the Pres. neither nominee can or will do anything and nothing will change.

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