Clues to WMD found, on our own turf in D.C.

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Jeffrey Travis

Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
Roswell, GA
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They believe there is a strong family connection to these WMDs. Vehicles are their weapon of choice.

Yep, those drivers license photos usually show another person in the background. And are usually signed by "John Sample".

I know you didn't do the work, Travis--but jeez, I've seen better photoshopping done in third grade classrooms... :D
Similar to his 7 day waiting period for guns, he should enact 7 day waiting period to buy a car due to the destructive nature of the steel (with lots of plastic) beasts.
Actually I did do the photo shopping and there is a rate of return on my time. I could have taken an hour to dress it up real nice but the point got across with a 5 minute job.

I didn't know I was being graded.


p.s. Always had trouble drawing inside the lines as a kid too. I guess here I can blame it on writing left handed but mousing right handed. Not sure what mind I am in.

p.p.s. Bill were you the kid in 3rd grade that always had to point out everybody else's shortcomings being blind to your own and not realizing why you were getting your a$$ kicked on the playground, all the while missing the point to what people were trying to say?
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Thanks Tom. I will take that, mainly for the factual information (birthday & address, if you do not believe me, look it up) that was portrayed, which was part of the 5 minute process. I know my PhotoShop skills are limited and that is why I manage people that CAN do it. Those that cannot do, manage (see Tommy Lasorda).

strong family connection

Although I was hoping the comedic genius would come from the above. Sometimes comedy is more about what is NOT said.

Thanks again Tom, I have already taken 2 minutes to create a Certificate in PowerPoint (I have mad skilz there).

Happy May 5th to all,


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I'll give you an A Travis. :D

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More evidence shows up....and it appears American Idol winner Carrie Underwood found it. The keys to a Ford Mustang. Man, she's cute, she can sing and she is doing her part to make this world safer for all.

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I really am offended by these posts that have a serious subject, but then I read them and they are a joke that might offend someone. Can we stop this!

P.S....I am not really offended, just trying to STOP the PC madness before it gets out of hand.
No prob Travis--rough day here too. Spent much of it in the waiting area of a hospital emergency room, hoping that my month-old soon wouldn't need surgery.

The good news is--he doesn't.