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Ed Fenwick

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
Kea'au, HI
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1st Gen Owner
Aloha guys,

The DVDs that I make seem to big for the laptop since we started using the new camcorder. (wow I thought that 30G free space would be enough!!!) So I hooked it to the terabit drive. This works ok so my question, is there a USB splitter so I can put the terabit drive on the laptop and the desk top both? I use both computers for different things.

Thanks and God bless Ed
If you want to access it at the same time from both computers not really, they do make A/B usb switches, but why not just unplug the cable?

If you want to access the drive from both computers at the same time you should look into sharing it on your network. (assuming you have a wired/wireless network)
Thanks guys, unplug is what I do now but it means pulling out the desk and crawling on the floor to plug and unplug so I am looking for a easier way. I don't need to run them both at the same time, that is why I wanted a splitter. I am too dumb to use a network.

Thanks, God bless Ed
How about a USB extension cable, like this?


Or, a USB hub?

Plugable USB2-HUB10S 10 Port USB 2.0 Hub (with 2.5A Power Adapter)AT TIGER DIRECT
A USB hub might work, but if the terabit drive does not have an external power source (draws all power from the USB connection) then the Hub must be a Powered Hub, and many are not. Some external USB drives will have two USB plugs so that it will draw power from two sources and can power the drive but still cannot get enough power from a USB Hub. Depending upon how many USB ports you have on your laptop and how many USB ports are in use, you may be able to switch over some low power usb devices to the Hub and use the Powered USB ports on the laptop to connect your external harddrive.


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