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Apr 27, 2008
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howell, MI
im new to what cool and whats not...

i got a sweet deal on a bed extender , so am i a tool if i drive with it down or should i keep it up.

what the cool kids doing?
If you drive with your tailgate down you run the risk of your rear tires kicking up gravel and debris and dinging the tailgate...
To be honest, I took my bed extender off and threw it across my yard last year because it was just in the way. But...I think they "look pretty cool", but I don't know about driving with it down all the time??

If you leave the tailgate open and unlocked, the bed extender can be stolen very easily. With it in the proper position and the tailgate locked, its hard if not impossible (without breaking something on it) to remove it because it would have to slide down to release off the pivot pins. Its also much less noticable to thieves of opportunity when its closed up in the bed. You also risk more damage to your truck in the event of an accident with the gate down.
There is a black ST that parks in my lot @ work and he ALWAYS has his tailgate down with the bed extender out.

I guess I'm a lucky guy -- at any given moment there are 4 Sport Tracs parked outside my work (2 First Gens, 2 Second Gens). Often that number increases to 6 as there are clients of some of the offices in this building who also drive them :D
PMcd, Iam 58 not a kid. Nonthing said about not being cool at any age.

But You are an internet bully. And that is a fact.
I keep my tailgate up and locked to prevent theft of the tailgate. And unless you've done some anti-theft mod to the cargo cage it can be removed in either position.

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I'm not sure about the first gen ones, but there's an anti-theft device built in to the second gen extenders.
Ive drivin from Az to Pa with my gate down and extender flipped out. no issues but I dont recommend it on a daily basis. I guess I will be doing the same thing when I go out to AZ again real soon. Driving back with my daughters ATV in the bed.

For security reasons I lock it in the bed.

The only benefit I thought of having it down would be a little more airo-dynamics. That's it. Well except if you need to haul stuff and need the room....obviously. ;)