decompression table for back pain

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Brett Hartwig

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
freeport, IL
anybody have any experience with decompression treatments for back pain? How much do they cost where you live? Do they work?

Everyone I know who had back problems (including my late wife) eventually had to have surgery to correct a damaged or bulging disc in their spine. The various decompression and neck traction devices only offer a minimal temporary relief.

If you have health insurance, then try the treatments if they are picking up the bulk of the cost. However, if you do not have health insurance or your insurance does not require all these decompression treatments, I would try to get the surgery done ASAP.

I am not an big advocate of having surgery, however in every case I know of, surgery was the final solution and even my wife commented as soon as she woke up from the anesthesia that she felt so much better!! Another lady I worked with said she does not know why she waited so long to have the surgery since the relief was immediate and dramatic.

Most insurance companies want you to go through long, painful sessions of treatments, and even injections that only provide temporary best. Surgery is the typically final solution that solves the problem permanently....provided you get a top notch neurosugeon.

I'm in decompression therapy right now. I pay a $20.00 co-pay and the insurance pays the rest.

I'm about 75-80 %. Before I started, if I were a horse, they'd have shot me and sent me to the glue factory.

It helps but I'm not sure I'm not going to end up with surgery eventually. Like to do it if I need to before Obamacare kicks in...they might decide I'm not worth the cost...LOL!
I don't want surgery, can't get another shot with all the problems with them, so I got a lab report

[Broken External Image]:

and decided go with drugs.

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