for once I FULLY agree with you Nelson.(Larry too) It is a shame that we still have buttholes around that don't respect ALL branches of the service. I know plenty of "Zoomie. Lackland lasers" that have ended up in a sad situation because they were protecting our country. I did my 20 as an enlisted bomb stacker... Been to the desert, done my part there too AND I AM DAMN PROUD OF IT! Q: I if you think you are better than.............................KMALarry: your stuff looks good!
for once I FULLY agree with you Nelson.(Larry too) It is a shame that we still have buttholes around that don't respect ALL branches of the service. I know plenty of "Zoomie. Lackland lasers" that have ended up in a sad situation because they were protecting our country. I did my 20 as an enlisted bomb stacker... Been to the desert, done my part there too AND I AM DAMN PROUD OF IT!
Q: I if you think you are better than.............................KMA
Larry: your stuff looks good!