Doing your own 15K mile inspection

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2004
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L.A., CA
Simply put, I'd like to perform my own 15K mile inspection/maintenance on my Trac. I have access to a good variety of Craftsman tools and accessories which I have used to install shocks, rotate tires, and change oil & filter, but that is the extent of my driveway experience.

I can change the oil & filter, check the tranny dipstick, and rotate the tires, but everything else on the 15K mile schedule is beyond me. I'd sure love to hear from you members that are mechanics and or have performed your own such maintenance on your Tracs. Please feel free to email me too. Thanks!
What else is on the 15K mile insprection.?

Brakes? Pull the wheels and look at them. Is there still life left on the pads? If it is yes, put the wheels back on. If it isn't, remove the pads and put new ones on.

Filter? Check it. Is it dirty? Replace. Not dirty, put it back in.

Tires? Are they bald? If so, replace them. If they arent, keep on driving.

IMO, a check-up is a waste.

Thanks Caymen, for the lesson in common sense inspection and maintenance. Here are the items I really need help on:

- Inspect shoes, rotors, drums, brake lines, hoses and parking brake system.

- Inspect wheel ends for end play and noise.

- Inspect engine cooling system and hoses.

- Inspect steering linkage, suspension and (if equipped) driveshaft and ball joints.

edit: I deleted the brake pads because the brakes are working fine, but everyhing else I need to know what to look for.
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As I said. Inspect brake pads, as I said above. Rotors...are they scored, do the brakes pulse when you stop? If they do, you should get them turned or replace them. Brake lines, are the squishy. Does the rubber look like it is peeling or anything? Steel brake lines, do they look like they are rusting or are they leaking a little? If so, replace them.

Wheel ends. Lift a wheel and try to wiggle the wheel. Does it wiggle?

Check cooling system hoses. Are they squishy? If so, they should be replaced. Does the system cool the engine properly? Are you getting heat from the heater?

Steering linkage. Are the endlinks tight? Do they have any play in them? If so, they need replaced. If you do replace them, you will need an alignment. Suspension...are the shocks worn. Does the vehicle sit level? Driveshaft. IS there any play in the U-Joints? If there is, you would know it when you put it into gear.

Really, common sense rules. It is a check-up. Nothing more then that. If there is any play in any of the above things, you will know it.

Ah, that's the stuff! Thanks Caymen. Anybody else please feel free to chime in.

I'll give the Trac an inspection this weekend. I just took her on a 800 mile road trip and I just thought I'd give her a once over (although she drove very well the entire trip). Speaking of which, I used the AC during most of the trip, does the AC system need particular attention?

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