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Went through and checked all the fuses, pulled the connections on the 4X4 CM and checked that for any visually bad components.  All good.  Checked relays.  All good.,

So, I'm ordering a 4X4 CM.  Big bummer.

Power mirrors... verified power to the switch but couldn't check continuity of the switch because I didn't know which pins were what.  Since both mirrors don't move, I am ordering the switch.

Started digging into the radio operation, works great as I stole the antenna off the wife's Explorer.  Next problem is I need to change it from Espanol to English.  Tried to do a factory reset but that just wiped the channels and maybe old phones.  Not sure about the last part, I didn't look there.

I do have a question on the fuse cover in the engine compartment.  Is it suppose to match the layout exactly?

This is the layout...


but the cover looks like this...  just imaging the numbers are facing correctly.

