So, I'm hoping to work on the ST soon. I ordered a set of 02 ST service manuals and wiring manual yesterday, should be here from the 3rd to the 7th. I received a brake light switch and oil switch hoping it will take care of the issues. The gear shifter hasn't gotten stuck since I ordered the brake switch so I haven't been able to see if the brake lights come on when it happens. The oil gage is bouncing more frequently at idle but I've noticed that I have a rough idle when warm. So, tune-up and filters will be next in line of parts to order. Funny how when you want to do upgrades to the truck all these little things start showing up.
Current rare sunny days I'm cleaning moss off the damn roof. Here in the PNW moss does grow on a rolling stone... and on all sides of the tree too. TLC for the ST is lined up, unfortunately the honey-dos are a little more of a priority. All this and dishwasher decided to show a leak with a big puddle. Only to find out it's been leaking for quite some time. Kitchen is gutted with the exception of the upper cabinets. I think I'll go play the lottery or casino since my luck has to change for the better soon. Might as well see if I can use the winnings. lol
List of part on hand...
Tensioners and t-stat housing,
body mounts,
brake light switch,
oil pressure switch,
double DIN radio and ports for USBs,
backup camera,
back up lights,
side mirrors w/ puddle lamps and heated, (I'm going to hit up the junkyard for some sport/ST side mirror bases to see if I can swap them with the heads)
fix front dome light wiring,
I know I'm forgetting something.