East European Cars (and Women)

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Nelson Atwell

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Bydgoszcz, Poland
Taken from Bill's "Good Bye All" thread:

Look at the Fords they have in Poland. The technology is there for a Ranger with a Diesel engine. The Ford Ka is sweet. Honda, Nissan, and Toyota have those stupid little "micro cars" that sell like hot cakes. Ford has the Ka. Why don't they even consider bringing them to the USA? Make the dam thing is Korea, China, or Atlanta, GA. For crying out loud, make them in Iraq or Afghanistan. They will sell like crazy. -- Tom (Caymen)


I'll be out taking some pictures today, and will look for some Fords. I didn't see many on my taxi ride from the airport or during my walk last night. It seems a lot of folks in Poland don't make enough money to buy anything that nice. I mostly saw old Renaults, Opels and Fiats. Their women are definitely sexier than their cars (as it should be). :D

I saw gasoline at 3.44 ZLT (about $1.15) per liter. That equates to around $4.60/gal

edit: I changed the title of the thread slightly, since it seems to be taking a different direction.) :)
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Ooooooh! Pretty! Kinda like a pile of VW Rabbits. lol.

Edit: The surrounding area is very pretty though.
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Heck, I couldn't even afford a car if I made as little as these guys earn. European car prices are outrageous. That Focus probably cost the equivalent of $30K and then $4.60/gal to fill it up.
what is that church in the bottom photo? that steeple looks to be 100ft or more.

very pretty

All I know is it is Catholic. I've been here about 26 hours, and am jet lagged. I will figure it all out soon. :)

There are more pictures at http://picasaweb.google.com/NelsonOKC.


Great Photos!! i cant believe how narrow the streets are.

i look forward to more photos when you get the time

i also like to looks of that club on the water and how much you

want to bet the heineken tastes a lot better than the stuff we get here.
Looks like a very neat place to spend some time. I have never even been in an airplane so maybe I will make my first flight a ride to Poland. LOL

I'd start with a shorter flight. I was worn out when I got here. We hit a lot of turbulence south of Greenland too. If I hadn't flown a lot, it would have freaked me out.


The babes are everywhere. I don't know what is in the water, but I need to drink more of it. Better yet, I need to bottle it and sell it in the US. I imagine it is actually because they walk so much here. This town is small enough to walk to almost anything you need. The food is healthier too. They have McDonalds and KFC, but they are not extremely popular like they are in the US.

I've been to work a couple of days now. We have some really gorgeous, English-speaking Polish women there. Almost all are single.
It's more like a diabetic in the candy store. I've been engaged for over six years, with no wedding date in sight. I'm here for two years. This is not helping. :blink:
I worked in Toronto a few years ago and noticed that the Canadian women seem to work a little harder to look nicer than US women. The clothing and makeup was a couple of notches higher...
Yes, it is very noticeable. A large portion of US women dress like men...Levis and a t-shirt/sweat shirt. They look like they're ready to go work in a factory or a field somewhere.

No wonder our eyes pop out when a woman dresses nicely. My ex dressed manly like that, but I've been trying to get my daughter to dress more like a woman. She made minor adjustments and liked the compliments she received. This has encouraged her to do more. Nature turns a girl into a woman. Parenting turns her into a lady.
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I spent three months in Germany. The German women were simply stunning. You are right about the way the women dress here in the USA.

The women I seen in Germany dressed like women and they looked good.

Engaged for 6 years? You don't really want to get married do you? When I proposed to Theresa, we started planning the wedding that day. We were married in 7 months. When I proposed to her, it wasn't the "next logical step" in a relationship, it was the final decision that I was ready to spend the rest of our lives together. IMO, you are not ready to get married.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

My wife always dresses well, thereby contributing much to our bank account's continued lightness! That's one thing I've always appreciated about her, though, because she always makes an effort to look as good as she reasonably can. She always looks good to me, anyway!

A friend of mine, when asked why he was divorcing his wife, said one of the reasons was she never tried to look decent anymore, but instead always went around in jeans and a t-shirt like she just didn't care. She lost her job at an insurance company for that reason, too. Now, a few years later, with a new husband and new job, she's always dressed appropriately.

My fiancee is the one not wanting to get married. She doesn't want to be a mother to my daughter, and I guess she's waiting until she is out of the house. Doesn't make me happy, but that is the reason I am not married. :(

That really puts me in a predicament if I run into someone here that accepts my situation.

On a side note, there is a formal party going on downstairs in the hotel. I was able to look in, and a Shakira song came on. It was hilarious to watch Poles trying to dance the Meringue. My fiancee is Puerto Rican, and I have seen how it is supposed to be done. :lol:

With that being said, honestly, don't limit yourself in Poland. If you meet a great girl over there, go for it. When I was in Europe, I met a wonderful lady there. We spent alot of time together. I limited our relationship to friends, but there was spark there. If I werent dating the girl I ended up getting married to, that girl from Germany would have been on that airplane coming home with me. If I would have been dateing the girl I dated before Theresa, I would be married to a German girl.

With that being said, in my opinion, and it is my opinion and you know what they say about opinions...Any girl that isn't willing accept all my baggage doesn't deserve me.
