ECT Sensor Installation

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Gene Graff

Sep 27, 2011
Reaction score
morrow, OH
I purchased a replacement engine coolant temperature sensor today for my 2002 Sport Trac that now has 204,000 miles on it. It has the pop in rather screw in sensor. If I take the clip off the original sensor, will it tilt out such that I can have more clearance to remove the electrical connector and sensor. I tried to remove the electrical connector with and there is only about a 1/4" clearance, so I could not do so. Any suggestions?
Third pic in step 5 shows the sensors removed with the lower thermostat housing still bolted in.

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Sorry, I assumed you were also replacing the thermostat and o-ring seal.

Albeit tight, I still believe the sensors can be replaced without removing other parts. GL
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swshawaii and Evan: Actually, after having taken the clip off the base of the ECT Sensor, I've found that there is only about 1/8" clearance above the electrical connector and does not seem to be enough play for me to pull the sensor out. If I had a 1/4" clearance I think it would be enough to do so. Any other info or suggestions would be appreciated.
If the sensor is unplugged and you still don't have enough clearance to remove it,

you will need to remove the lower housing.

Don't see how that's possible with the sensors still installed. :banghead:
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The sensor is not unplugged because there is not enough clearance above it to allow unplugging. That's why I'd like to remove both the sensor and electrical plug at the same time, then remove the plug and connect the new sensor to it and return both to the sensor port in the thermostat housing.
Gene- Don't understand why your clearance is so tight.

I have at least 1/2" of space to raise the sensor up and out.

It was installed before, has to be a way. Interesting, keep posted.

[Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]:
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1/2"' space would be enough, but there's only about 1/8" space above the connector plug wires and the lower housing. I keep trying to send a picture, but am unable to. The picture on the left with the cap still on appears to be just like mine, because it's almost right up against the center of the lower housing......., but when I see the picture to the right it apparently can be pulled right off. Mine is back under the center of the housing. Maybe tomorrow I can get my picture to send. It looks like I'll have to elevate the lower housing, or lower the thermostat housing, both of which appear to be a lot of work.

Thanks for your continued interest.

Gene- The right side light colored sensor is blank on my truck, no wire connector.

Found it odd they would use an actual sensor to plug the hole in the RH144 housing.

Wanted to use the RH148 single sensor housing, just wasn't sure if it would work.

If you remove the lower housing, VERY important you lift, so the guide tabs clear. (Step 5)

Also, replace the lower and upper thermostat housing o-ring seals to prevent leaks.

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Tomorrow I go in to Ford parts and pick up my Motorcraft parts. Thanks for sending me the info from bengrosser outlining how to install the thermostat and housing. It was so helpful. I've decided, in addition to installing my ECT sensor, to go ahead and put in a new ECT sender; a new thermostat and a new thermostat housing. Do you happen to know that gentleman's e-mail address, I'd like to write him.

BTW, there is absolutely no way that the ECT sensor can be replaced without either raising the intake manifold or removing the thermostat housing to simply gain the extra 1/4" or so to lift the sensor out of it's port.

I'll let you know how it goes.
Gene- Good luck on the repair, hope all goes well for you.

Check the bottom of the bengrosser link for his address.

Gene be sure to replace the short bypass hose. While you have the lower stat housing out. I would go for qaulity not the best price for that hose.
swshawaii and eddie,

I installed the ECT sensor, gauge sender, thermostat, thermostat upper and lower housing, and thermostat to water pump hose. Thanks to you both. The link to bengrosser was invaluable! My intake manifold may have been a little lower than his, but his many tips served me well. It's possible to do without loosening the intake manifold, but it is a very, very, tight fit. Thanks again for your help! If anyone wishes to ask any questions, feel free to e-mail me.

Great seeing perseverance paying off. Nice feeling of accomplishment, peace of mind,

knowing that the original t-stat housing would inevitably leak. Good job and well done!


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