Engine Firewall Insulation/Liner (Confirm My Fears)

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2004
Reaction score
All Over the East Coast,
I know I am asking a question to which I already know the answer. But, here's hoping.

Can someone take a look at their firewall (through the engine, tubes, wiring, etc.) and tell me if any of the insulation is showing?

This frustrates the hell out of me because it is not easily replaced. In addition, as you'll see, some of it is deformed/decolored from the heat of the engine/exhaust. I know most insulation does not burn, but judging by its current state, I'm not confident that it won't. I'll likely go through insurance as I have a feeling it's going to cost a bit to replace it, considering much of the engine is "in the way." Son of a bit.....

I'm fairly certain these $&!@$@ critters have been using mine to built a nest somewhere.

From the right, looking behind the engine. (Thanks, Gary D. for inspiring me to clean my engine tonight, and also for inspiring me to poke around to see what damage these damn chipmunks have done.)

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From the left, looking behind.

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I had this same problem with my '04 F150. When camping in the fall I had some Pack Rats making a nest under the hood! What a mess every night. Put some moth balls in a old socks and leave them under the hood and no more problems. Remember to take them out before you go home!

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