Ethos Additive

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hey RAB,

If I remember correctly, One of the news shows exposed all these kinds of products and found no valid claim for better gas mileage. Maybe I saw this with Clark Howard.

But I'd be sceptical. :unsure:

More snake oil.

edit; testamonials arent worth a a darn unless it is someone you know and trust. Also some of the science in the article, sounds just like the magnet on the fuel line, that suposedly breaks up the fuel molecules. And is proven not to work.
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The only thing that I currently know of that truly works is the Fitch system. Pricey, though.

I've heard of the Fitch fuel system. How does it work ? Is it a catalyst ? Is it worth the price to try ?

It is a catalyst. I don't know if it's worth it, 'cause I haven't wanted to spend that much on one.
Mythbusters tried all the additives and found none that helped and some that did more harm to your gas vehicle. The oil companies are not going to let anybody come out with an additive that really works.
They're testing the Fitch device on either Trucks or Horsepower TV, although they're doing it on a Dodge Diesel. I think the results might be on this weekends show, but I'm not sure.
Okay, I broke down and ordered a Fitch catalyst today. I won't have it 'til RIGHT before Louisville. I'll let y'all know if it works and how well. (I'll also be selling them if they're really as great as I hear.)
My Fitch catalyst is shipping today, so I should have some hands on info from the drive to Louisville. :)
I agree, but I've done my research on this one. Worst case: It doesn't do crap and they refund me. :)

The technology is based on the Broquet catalyst used by Russia in WWII. It's just been refined a little since then. Here's the history of the Broquet:

Here's a link to performance tests (All done independently):

Testing by Horsepower TV:

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