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Jan 3, 2025
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V6 engine
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1st Gen Owner
Anyone know a company who makes a good sounding exhaust that won’t break the bank ( broke 16 year old) somthing that’s deep and loud i understand not gonna get very deep since it’s a v6
If you want it loud, chopping the muffler and resonator off will do the trick, although I doubt it will have a pleasant sound. Im about to remove the resonator and replace my muffler with a dynomax super turbo. After watching a lot of YouTube videos, I think its a good choice for a v6. Pretty deep, but not very loud. There is a dynomax super turbo made for a chevy s10 that works on sport tracs, only $50 or so. A shop will weld it on pretty cheap. Its all personal preference tho. Other folks have used flowmaster 40s and super 10s. Just get online and find some audio.
Magnaflow makes a large SUV muffler, Cut out all the crap under and replace.... Best will get.
A V8 swap would make it sound good. Even if the money up front is a little high, selling old and unused parts will cover that. You just have to be a good haggler.