Is the country in "deep doo-doo" is a question of what one, as a voter, wants out of his/her country. We (wife and I) cast a vote strictly on what we thought was the best vote for the country, basically it was "reducing the debit". We gave no weight at all to what any candidate may do or not do for us personally. The electorate took a different track and is now set up to continue that direction for a number of years. The Republican party is presently in a no win situation. At the next election the Democrats will most likely take both the House and Senate.
This is what the electorate voted for, so in their view the US is not in deep doo-doo.
For there sake I hope they are right.
After this election, we formulate a outlook close to what the article establishes. We think the twenty trillion dollar debit projected is very optimistic, in reality it will be close to 24 in four more years. When interest rates start jumping up, they have to because they have be artificially reduced for the last 12 years, the country is then in deep doo-doo or worse. At this point the US will not have enough income to even meet it's debit interest payments. The US will no longer be able to print money and lend it to itself. We will become Greece.
We no longer feel need to participate in the vote again. At ages 66 and 68, no future vote by us can alter this outcome. The country as we know it is gone and we now must take actions to protect our quality of life given the Tuesday vote. We respectfully turn the country over to others that will have to live with the results.