Federal Motor Vehicle Lighting Standards (URL Link)

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This pertains to ALL vehicles in the U.S. Not only ST owners using "aftermarket" lighting.

Not trying to stir things up, just FYI. Can't believe the difference between states.

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I like HID's because of the brightness for the driver but they blind the $h!+ out of the rest of us on the road. slot of those clear tail lenses do look good but most of them are really dim if not pinkish looking when you have the lights on. I guess they just need to improve them.:)
I just checked my state, Texas. It is illegal to have clear lens tail lights despite red bulbs and reflectors. Also clear corners, no orange reflector. Considered a class c misdomeanor.

Since I put the silverstar ultras in my driving lights. I have had freinds and family I was following, call me on the cell. Asking, would you turn off your driving lights, your blinding me? They are in passenger cars.
Around here, the cops use any non-OEM lighting as a reason to stop a driver, often to assess for OWI, drugs, and other nasty stuff. If the violation is bad enough they'll impound the vehicle.

I was doing a ride-along with the state patrol a few years ago. A pair of oncoming driving lights blinded us. Turns out they were wired to the headlights and the woman driving the truck couldn't figure out how to disconnect them. Cop said the vehicle was too dangerous to be driven and had it towed to impound. The boyfriend/owner was awfully pissed at the $350 towing/impound fee. If he'd read the statute that forbids driving lights from being wired to the headlights, maybe he'd have saved some money.
Jerry Gerner,12/1/2009 15:41 MT

I like HID's because of the brightness for the driver but they blind the $h!+ out of the rest of us on the road. slot of those clear tail lenses do look good but most of them are really dim if not pinkish looking when you have the lights on. I guess they just need to improve them.

Factory HIDS are awesome, retrofitted HIDS can be almost just as good as long as they are aimed properly but unfortunately to have a proper HID retrofit it requires a projector type housing. I have HIDS retrofitted on my Dakota adn they are awesome, the light pattern is not scattered and they are aimed properly but then again I did buy clear headlights...the projectors look horrible. If you are gonna go HID retrofit do not go over 6000k because anything over htat the light starts to get blue and annoying/blinding to other drivers.
Concerning Tail Light Covers...

"While our laws do not prohibit the sale of lamp covers in the aftermarket, their installation would create a noncompliance with Standard No. 108."

Ain't this a fine example of just how two-faced our government can be! On one hand, they don't prohibit the sale of an specific use aftermarket product. But, they do prohibit the use of the same said aftermarket product.

It's all designed to generate revenue. Tax revenue from the employer producing the item, Tax revenue from the retail sale of said item and finally; Monetary Fines from the users of said item.

It's a racket I tell you!

In Wisconsin, we can buy all the fireworks we want. But, it's illegal to set them off.

Just because it's legal to buy shit to black out your lights (an absolutely stupid idea in itself, IMHO) doesn't mean it's legal to use it.
Preach-on Larry... Preach-on Brother. The cops... ESCPECIALLY Moto-cops... are seriouslyu little more then revenue generating machines. And speaking of machines... photo enforcement... W-T-F!!?

I got a ticket from one of those... and I gaurantee you if a live cop saw how cautiously I executed that right-hand turn (was taking my dogs to the Dog Park) I feel certain he wouldn't even bat an eyelash.

But no... the video is reviewed by someone sitting in a room all day in Arizona.

They aren't about "making that intersection safer"... they're about netting more funds, period.
they're about netting more funds, period.

Because income tax, property tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, environmental taxes, corporate taxes, fees (e.g. permits), and all the other countless ways they pick our pockets aren't enough for them.

The fact that cops have to subsidize their own cost, and ticket to evaluate performance, are bogus. Being a mercenary is a conflict of interest with being a sworn "public servant".

November 15th the "warning period" for traffic cams in MD expired :(

In DC, the blight in MD's borders, traffic cams net over a billion dollars :eek:

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