Has to be Archived, because I had my house built 3 years ago in this new neighborhood. and it doesnt even show the land getting ready for the neighborhood :blink:
Definately archived images, it was confirmed on one of the cable news programs when they were blasting the gov't for allowing such a compromise in security. If you can find your ST, a person planning ill-will could find a target too.
We definately don't want real time images on there.
Not that is it a huge deal but you may want to remove the POINTER location information from the bottom of your pictures. The LAT and LONG info is very accurate. So much is known about us here at the site as we are all so friendly. I know where and when most of you work...
It would not take to much to figure it out if I was a bad guy. I'm not a bad guy so you are safe from me, but they are out there...
My trac wasn't found at my house, but at a friend's. That place is like Fort Knox anyways.
My house is even worse. I don't know what the previous owner did for a living, but my alarm system has motion sensors and glass-breakage sensors, and also another little surprise for anyone that tries to bypass the whole system. It's kind of weird that if I drop a glass in the kitchen, it will set off the alarm. lol