first road trip for Sporttrac

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paulette lopez 2

Active Member
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
Ontario, CA
hey all went on vacation left monday the 6th and will get home sunday the 12th. had the ST for about 19 months and took it on its first road trip. left ontario calif. and drove up to coast to monterey and to carmel, and stayed there for a few days. drove the 101 and switch to hwy 1 and went up thru big sir. drove the mountians. and the ST did really good.. up thru the winding roads. and if anyone been up that way you know what im talking about.. and my husband let me do the driving. too. cause he know that im very picky on who drive my ST. i wont even let my oldest son drive it..and he's 23.. so far i put on about 730 miles on it. and when i bought it, it had only 16,000 miles. and sense i had it in 19 months i put on ruffly 11,000 miles on it.. i dont drive it much except to and from work and to and from the store. so this is the first road trip she's been on.. and sound kinda silly but im proud of her.. she did great she's only a 2005 redfire. so i just wanted to share this with everyone.. see ya all..
I'm happy that you like it, but I have some bad news for you: Although you may think it looks "cute", Sport Tracs are NOT meant to be driven by women! :wacko:

Owner's manual specifially states "Broads not permitted to drive" on page seven. Matter of fact, by you publicly admitted to behing behind the wheel, your vehicle's warranty is hereby voided. :angry:

Now hand those keys over to your son and be :wacko:quick about it.:p
made it home at around 1230 or 100pm total miles i drove is 875 miles.. and ST was awsome the whole way up and back... and for you mr. joe loser.. ST's are made for us females.. it should stay that way.. cause we know how to drive them and take care of them. so stick that in your pipe and smoke it... lol..:cool::rolleyes::D

You couldn't be more wrong, Ladybug; A broad behind the wheel of any truck goes against the laws of nature, like spreading marshmellow fluff on a turkey leg:(. Why not get yourself a nice Ford Fusion or Buick Lacrosse, stop making a laughing stock out of yourself, and you can thank me later.

P.S: If I ever catch you or any other female behind the wheel of a truck in my neighborhood, I'll give the back of your head such a smack you won't know what,,,,well, you know.;)
Besides, women in trucks are HOT!

Every one of the women on this forum are HOT!

Lots of women have SportTracs! You never see 'em in Avalanches, so it shows that women have good taste!
well mr. loser that you are.. if you look on the road now days. you'll see that theres plenty of us females that are driving sporttrac's and driving big rigs, and more and more women are jumping on the good ole Harley davidsons.. the only thing i can figure out is that your gay and the thought of any female driving a ST. just to let you know i've been driving a set of double bottom dump for the pass 11yrs.. and i love it.. and i also ride a harley too.. so like i said before stick that in your pipe and smoke it... and the more endorsements i can get on my license the better woman i will be.. :cool::p:) P.S. for any man that even makes a comment about smacking a female must be a real BIG LOSER...and you must be a little man to want to raise his hand to any female.. :cool::p:lol::D

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Yeah, yeah, a lot of broads have tattoos on their foreheads, drink milk from the bottle, pierce their noses, smoke cigars, fart loudly, and spit on the sidewalk. That doesn't mean I have like or endorse it. :angry:

As for you LadyBIG, something tells me you're a three-hundred pounder who does at least 4 of the 6 of the above..............:p
Joe, you're new here, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you haven't read the posting guidelines. If you haven't, now would be a good time to do so. If you have, and this is how you expect to participate in these forums, you won't be with us very long.
I agree what Rich Stern said.. i read your post. and im not going to lower my self to your level. and comment on it.. i'm much a better person to respond to it.. only time will tell on how long you remain on this site.. if you keep up with your rudeness, your not worth it.
It's not worth the time to continue this nonsense. Joe Loser - go find another site to post in. It's time to kill this thread. NAZI, NAZI, NAZI ... I envoke the power of Godwins Law.

I think my wife looks pretty good driving my Trac, and the regular pickup I had before. Which admittedly doesn't happen often because she doesn't like to climb that high. A good-looking woman in a good-looking truck, or even a good-looking woman in a battered '65 Chevy truck, is a good thing. But that's just the redneck in me bubbling to the surface.

Oh heck, a good-looking woman driving anything, I don't care. :lol:
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...and you must be a little man to want to raise his hand to any female..

Hey now, wait just a minute here! My wife makes me raise my hand before speaking to her. I hardly consider myself to be a "little man" (well, most of me, that is...)
I tried to warn by saying it was not funny anymore. We enjoy the site for what it is. We don't need abusive people to ruin it. No one should feel bad about posting and getting bad mouthed when they do. Ladybug was happy how well the trac ran on her road trip and frankly she should be. It's a fun truck to drive. She did not deserve what response she got from JL.