Flash the Computer

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James Hart

Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
Elizabeth City, NC
Talked to a mechanic a couple of days ago. We got on the subject of flashing the computer in my 03 ST. He said that ford was saying that the computers should be re-flashed every 2 years even if the vehicle is showing no problems. Now this mechanic can not do this job himself and told me not to go to the Ford dealer in town (i live in small town NC), so he has no vested interest in doing this job. In fact he suggested it as we were talking about a transmission noise that my truck was making. Have you all heard the same from your trusted Mechanics?
I've never heard anything like that and it makes no sense to me.

The only reason to re-flash is because the programming changed, and the only reason the programming would change or you would benefit from a changed program is to address some issue you are having.

So, if not having issues I see no reason for a "therapeutic flash" every couple of years.

Maybe someone else can give a reason this might be beneficial. Having the "Latest and Greatest" isn't a good enough reason, IMHO.

P.S. In "IT" we call changing the programming of something that is working properly and as designed "tampering", and that's rarely a good thing.

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To add to what TJR said. If you put new software in your vehicles PC, I could buy that lie. Since there is NEVER any new information entered into the system, I am not falling for it.

I would question the ability of your mechanic.

That is bunk. A reflash only if there is a problem that has been fixed.

Same as my home computer. I only uprade my programs that have security breaches. Other wise dont mess with what is working.
I believe the memory type used in the PCM is a combination of fprom memory and some sort of programmable non-volatile memory. There is an argument for not using typical non-volatile flash memory for long term Archival storage because after a few years of not using them the 1's and 0's can get a bit foggy and the memory could become corrupted... Since I assume you drive you sport trac once every 20 years or so I don't believe this will be an issue. Because of the way a flash memory card works when you use it the information is sort of rejuvenated in each sector and with regular use the 1's and 0's do not get foggy. The only other things that can hurt non-volatile flash memory is extreme heat, electrical shock, and water. Although it is from my experience from drowning cell phones and flash drives in most cases from the point of view of memory water just shorts it out and clears it. So re-flashing them can usually bring them back to life...

So to recap:

>if you where to let your truck sit and not use it for 20-50 years then yes you probably need to re-flash...

>if you get you pcm wet then yes you will probably need to re-flash or replace the pcm

>if nuclear war or space aliens where to zap your car with extreme electromagnetic radiation then yes a re-flash is probably in order...

>otherwise... no you don't

Keep on trac'n

-Don D.
Thanks for the advice i think i will stay on the tuna boat and not re flash. There is just this swishing sound when i stop at a light coming from my transmission. If i put it in park or rev the engine to put a load on the transmission then it goes away. Any Ideas on that one???