For Sale 8 GB iPhone

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Dec 23, 2006
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Some where way to close to the effen city
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2n Gen Owner
Anyone looking for an iPhone 8GB? My boss at my work received one after winning a raffle and doesn't want it. It is brand new in the original box and the seal has never been removed. They now sell for $399.00 new and he would like $350.00 for it but has indicated $300.00 CASH/Money Order plus shipping will buy it. Let me know if you know of anyone wanting this neat phone. Not interested in shipping outside the continential U.S. due to trackability.

[Broken External Image]:

If it doesn't sell by next weekend, he wants me to list it on Ebay for him....I really don't like selling items like this on Ebay so I hope it sells. If anyone is interested, I can put you in touch with him.

If interested, email me at my email address on my contact page. The emails will be answered in the order received...thanks!

Gary G
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I would just like to add, these are really worth the money. I paid too much for mine, and I don't even care because it is sooo cool!!! Good luck with the sale. ;)

Yes, I received an email from your son and told him that someone previously got in touch with me about the iPhone. If that deal falls through, I'll have my boss contact your son next.
