for the "fugly" sensative....

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gary s

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2004
Reaction score
long island, NY
the next new york city cab is going to be the 5 seat passenger ford transit connect.

they will be replacing the (exploding fuel tanks) crown vics that are no longer be made for the fleet customer.

imo, the t-connect will be great for cab service and as i mentioned before, they also work well for a small cargo business need.

t-connect sales are taking off here in the northeast. on a side note, mustang sales are falling off according to ford.

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Actually, I like it. Not for a vehicle I would necessarily want to pick up my date in, but for deliveries, or a plumber, etc, it's much better looking and practical than a Van.

Form over function means that you make it look good no matter how impracticable it is. My definition is that no matter how ugly it is, it is completely practical.

I give that vehicle a free pass to be ugly. It is not to be cool or hip. It is about being useful. The Cube, Xb, Soul, etc. are ugly and try to be "cool". It just isn't happening.

I want to trade in mny E150 for one of these! I just worry about the problem with the weight from my tools and inventory.

Rose won't let me have one

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Rose won't let me have one

Since you are such a nice man, I will share with you the secret I have for getting whatever I want past the wife.

"It is easier to get forgiven than to get permission"

Keep it to yourself though, we don't want women to know do we?


"The Cube, Xb, Soul, etc. are ugly and try to be "cool". It just isn't happening"

so you give the t-connect the thumbs up, but the cube,xb, soul just isn't happening ???

gee, what is happening is they are selling well. :banana:


i have a e-150 and tested the t-connect. imo, for your biz, the t-connect would work better for you and the gas mileage would be a huge benefit. i am sure the weight will be a non issue, but you can always check to see what the weight cap is on the t-connect.

looks good w/ your logo :grin:

the t-connect is going to be a big hit here in the states. shame on ford for holding out bringing it here.
Thanks Gary,,, I carry soooooo much more than I need to and am trying to reduce my on truck inventory. Surprisingly,,, locks weigh a lot! I really think with a little planning and some custom cabinetry, I could make one of these things rock. And YES,,, gas mileage going from 12 mpg (no a/c) to 18-20 or better WOULD BE GREAT considering I drive about 150-200 miles a day.:angry: 75$ every 3 days:angry:

Gary,, I can't find the weights for the t-connect,,, and info?????
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Here you go LaRue.


Capability (lbs.)

Cargo Van GVWR 5005

Wagon GVWR 4965

Maximum Payload 1600


too bad you didn't live closer. i would let you use it for a day or two.

the demo i have is probably set up good for you as it has drawers built into the side racks as well as shelves.

good luck

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NYC cabs are going to stay as Fords? Cool, though I think these things will look even fuglier (is that possible?) in yellow, or in my local B'more (their origin point btw) purple cab color.

Seems like there'd be a lot of wasted vertical space, but hey, glad they aren't switching to impala cabs (ew).

Looks cool, though while you're upgrading your fleet I think you need to upgrade your camera :grin:

and "(exploding fuel tanks) "....seriously? Still? Some things will never die. Even Disney saw it as safe enough to advertise as being a conveyor and protector of children (Dakota Fanning iirc).
yup, that is a t-connect.

as far as the quality of the picture, it was taken on a blackberry.

btw, do you always lurk around parking garages? :bwahaha:

It's a screenshot from From Paris with Love (00:03:56), a movie that was surprisingly decent. Maybe because the director wrote it himself, strange in an age of adapting books and comics...or maybe because Luc Besson was the director?

So I discovered two things about it, besides that it was good. It had a fair bit of American car exposure for a foreign film and it wasn't a comedy, despite having John Travolta in an action role, which is pretty comical.
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Many locksmiths in Miami use that scion. The locksmith down the block from my job even has a smart car as well as the Scions. They also have an Astro.

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