Does anyone have for sale or know where i can get the Factory Ford Molded Splash guards in grey for front and rear of a 01 ST with the factory step bars?.........All help is appreciated.....thanks.....Kevin
I think the gray ones have been discontinued and are very rare. Have you tried our sponsors; Spartan and Ford Parts Network? Hope you find 'em. Your unpainted cladding would look very good with them on.
hey kevin i seen on here that someone wrecked his 01 ST and he was parting it out. but i cant remember who it was. they might have what your looking for. i'll keep checking and if i find the person who's selling it. ill email you. ok good luck finding it.
I have a set of 4 grey splash gaurds that I removed to do my body lift. Once I get my new tires put on, I might be selling mine if they interfere. I will let you know, Im getting my tires put on tomorrow.
i have two sets of rear gray splash guards. (mistake on an order from rusty, and rather than box them up and return them i just paid and kept them just in case). the new st has darker cladding so they are just taking up room in the garage. interested? email me at [email protected].
I am definitly selling mine - they will interfere with the tires. I had them on for about a year, so obviously they arent brand new like S.H.'s, but if your still interested, just let me know.