Free $1 donation to AIDS research for 1 minute of your time

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George C

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2002
Reaction score
Long Island (Suffolk County), NY
I found this on another website and thought it would be worth posting here. All you need to do is click to donate $1 and it doesn't ask you for any information or money.

December 1st is world aids day.

Bristol-Meyers Squibb is giving $1 to AIDS research for clicking a flash animation.

AIDs research gets FAR too high a percentage of medical research money as it is. There are lots of people suffering from lots of other diseases and syndromes who deserve a chance at life.

I say world aids day or not, find another medical research charity to give your money to.
You can also assist in finding the cure by joining the World Community Grid, operated by IBM and several other respected sponsors. I started this nearly a year ago. There are two projects, one which deals with Human Proteome Folding, which could find a cure for cancer. The other is for a cure for AIDS.

There is a "Sport Trac Forum" team you can join. My three home computers have generated 920 results with no ill effect on the performance of the computers. I've provided a link below if you are interested in donating your spare computing time.
George--Regardless of whether your claims are at all justified, doing something that causes a company to give a buck to AIDS research and costs you nothing is still way better than doing nothing resulting in no one giving anything to anyone.

It's kind of like all the breast cancer research websites, that are causing far more funding for breast cancer research than is going to prostate cancer research, even though more men die of prostate cancer than women die of breast cancer. Even if you prefer to support prostate cancer research, it's still no reason to avoid any breast cancer research/awareness sites or projects.
To me, saying that one disease that kills millions a year is getting too much funding compared to others is like complaining that one starving kid in Ethiopia is being given a grape while some other starving kid is only given a raisen.

Bill V, Darin - I disagree because now that dollar will not be available for research on other diseases.

TJR - To be accurate your comparison should be more like a whole village feasts for years while 1 afflicted child eats shit.

Look, I guess I knew my sentiment might raise hackles but everyone's entitled. I have a personal situation with a family member who was born with a syndrome which could be debilitating, but also could possibly be alleviated quite a bit thru research. I've joined a group of other parents raising money for research. In the last 3 years we've raised about $400,000. That much is spent on AIDs in 5 minutes. So with me, it's personal.

In addition, the persons born with 'syndromes' have done NOTHING, ZERO to create their situation which will affect them for life. OTOH, AIDs is a 100% preventable disease. 100% preventable, people. Even babies born with it, with whom I sympathize immensly, were handed their fate via a parent who did something they shouldn't.

I'm still waiting for the first GD "celebrity" to get concerned about something other than a "lifestyle" disease. Certainly it should be researched, though a "cure" is probably not possible as it is a virus after all, but not at the expense of everything else.


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