Free PDF viewer, creator and editor

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Here's another one that's Free. I have used it for years...they even send me automatic updates every few monts....Works great.

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Thanks Richard, I downloaded it and man am I stupid. Can't figure it out. The nitro makes a smaller file (no biggie) and does exactly what I need. Which is very seldom. I send a lot of invoices out that are printed to a pdf file. Now that I have some ready-filled forms... I'm good. Thanks bud...

PDF Creator works like a printer. It creates another printer Called PDF Creator. Just act like you want to print the file file and select the PDF Creator as the printer. There is a big dialog box that lets you set a bunch of parameters, but I just click the "Save" button. It wil then give you the standard Windows dialog box asking you to name the new PDF file and what directory/folder you want to put the file in, and that's it. It will occasionally tell you that there is an new update available, and ask if you want to update your old version of PDF Creator...and that's your choice (it only ask you once a day)

I will download your Nitro PDF and see if I like it better and let you know.

I've been using Bullzip PDF printer for a long while but I needed a way to insert a signature and date on a lot of work stuff. The nito lets me do that without having to buy adobe. Plus it prints well.

I tried your Nitro PDF and did not like it at all. First off it seemed really slow, and I did not like the file dialog boxes. It also did not work all the time and seemed kind of buggy??

The part I hated the most was that it stepped all over my Adobe Accrobat Read and my PDF Creator software..When I tried to use either of those programs it would bring up Nitro PDF.

Next I went to the Control Panel and deleted Nitro PDF, but it had already damaged my PDF Creator Executables and would not allow Adobe Accrobat Reader to open any PDF files. My bank sends me my bank statements via PDF files on ASPX pages, but Adobe could no longer open them.

In the end it was easier for me to just restore my computer to prior to the Nitro PDF install and everything is back to normal.

I am not a big fan of software that makes itself your default without notifying you, or if you say no, it ignores you and does it anyway...which appears to be what Nitro PDF does.

Richard, figured that one out too... All "I" did is go into control panel and tell Adobe reader to be my pdf default. Worked for me. Like I said, I still will use my bullzip printer as a default pdf printer. I just liked the fact I can now insert a date and signature on a pdf file my maint corps send me. (instead of photoshoping it in)

Sorry it screwed up your system.
LaRue, I did set Adobe back as my PDF reader but it would not work to open a PDF file on a web page...That's how my bank sends me my statements...They are part of Microsofts IIS software to read ASPX (active server pages) So Adobe may work to open a PDF file on your PC it cannot open a PDF file from a web page writen in ASP? It was actually giving an error on the ASPX page.

Anyway, It's not your fault and I was able to recover rather quickly. I am just glad I got my bank statement and checked it. Had it gone about a month I might have forgotten what I did.

But, If it works for you, then by all means go with it:supercool:



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