I agree with what Eddie said. I would go with rebuilt calipers from someone like Napa or AutoZone, etc...They are as good as new at a fraction of the cost of new OEM units, plus they offer great warranties from 50K miles to lifetime warranties. I used to rebuild my own calipers until I found out that the kits to rebuild calipers were often nearly as much as the factory rebuilt calipers. I would also recommend replacing the wheel bearings, so be sure to add wheel bearing grease to your list.
Also, flush your brake fluid while you are doing all this, and be sure to open the bleed screw when you push the caliper pistons back don't want that old, grundgy brake fluid going back up into your ABS unit...That can lead to some very expensive repairs in the future.
I also agree with replacing all the brake hardware every 5-6 years to insure you will have a quality, reliable brake job.
PS: I know you only planned to replace the rotors, but it is aways recommended that you install new brake pads with new rotors, and since you are going that far, you might just as well install rebuilt calipers, etc...:grin: