Fuel Gauge Problem

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Dana Bis

Feb 27, 2010
Reaction score
I'm having a strange issue with my 2004 Sport Trac XLT. When I refuel my truck, if I fill it all the way until it "clicks" then the fuel gauge will drop down to empty and say "low fuel" for about 30 miles or so, then pop up to full. If I fill it and stop just before it "clicks" stop, then the fuel gauge will very slowly move up to full. Any ideas why this would be happening? Thanks.
are you turing the engine off when refueling?? If not, it takes a while for the guage to react to the full status. Think the owners manual says something long this line,
had the same problem last year at this time with my 04 adrenalin. for a couple days my gauge would keep dropping down to empty and eventually would go back up when my tank was full. problem went away after a couple days and i haven't had the problem again

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