KL said:
A troll does not post questions pertinent to the forum, he does not drive a vehicle which gave rise to the forum, he does not post answers that were intended to be helpful to issues concerning the vehicle, and most of all he does not support the site by buying its products and its sponsors, especially when he could still acquire said products at a lower rate from other sources that would not kick back to the site.
Your logic still escapes me. It seems to me a person could do all those things you suggest and STILL troll, still post things to simply get a rise out of others.
You may not actually be trolling, KL, but look back at the responses you are getting, and the virtual (and actual) retorts of "WTF?" by others and you will see what I mean.
As for me being a so-called "admitted distracted driver", I submit we all are. The question is to what degree. I said that I text sometimes when driving, and I clarified that to mean that when stopped at a red-light, etc. As I said in that post, let he who doesn't look at a sunrise, or a pretty girl aside the road, or a cool car going by, or fiddle with the radio station, or read a billboard, etc, etc, etc. cast the first stone. You do these things and others, as we all do. It's easy for us to point out the egregious distractions, and I absolutely try to limit those in my behavior...but let's not get all holier than thou, please.
I never insulted your character. Just pointed out to you how you are being perceived by me, and clearly by others.
You continue to make these rather absurd assertions, then don't seem to understand when people take umbrage.
As for your comment:
Cellphones are also less dangerous as they only distract from the road, for talking, for a modicum of time, unlike a GPS which requires more interaction.
GPS doesn't require interaction while driving. It can be set before embarking on a trip and then not be physically interacted with during said trip. A person can, and many do, have very intense, attention-stealing conversations on cellphones while driving, even in a handsfree fashion. I'd rather drive behind someone using a GPS than one of these engrossed conversationalists. I see these people all the time...waving their hands, driving too slowly, not using turning signals, cutting people off. These drivers are much more prevalent than the person "fiddling" with a GPS....by my observation anyways.
But isn't this meta-debate of which technology if ill-used is more distracting rather pointless? Seriously, what is the point? A GPS can be distracting. A cellphone can be distracting. A sudoko puzzle can be distracting. That doesn't make these things bad...or the people that use the properly bad. Stupid, careless people will do stupid, careless things regardless the tool.
Implying that all people that use such tools are somehow stupid, or lazy, or careless because of the actions of a few is, for lack of a better word, reckless. Ironic isn't it....reckless.