gas door

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Justin Ellis

Dec 7, 2005
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Just wondering if anyone has found any other type of gas door for a sport trac...I have seen the carbon fiber thing on webxtremes but i havnt found a replacement door yet at all...or seen one on any other tracs??anybody know where to find one?
No replacement, vinyl, but unless you're studying it, you can't tell.

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The bend doesn't really make them hard to make, that's just an easy excuse for company not to make them. It's a lot easier to make a simple flat part, but only marginally more difficult with the bend.

If it was hard to make, Ford engineer's would've moved the fuel door so as to avoid the bend. Aftermarket companies could mold them from plastic, or stamp them from metal; difficult? No, machines do all the work either way.

Gotta love checked board stickers, Jeff.
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Most of the billet aluminum gas doors on the market are actually aluminum castings, so it woudl not be necessarily more difficult to make a curved gas door as a flat one. I just don't think the manufacturers look at the Sport Trac as a serious truck.???

I have worked on making one off and on for over a year. I've made some headway, but it's still not finished and I have a lot of other projects that take priority. My latest concept is to mill or hot-stamp a faux billet gas door with screw heads, etc into the existing plastic gas door. Then the door could be painted to match the truck or painted with chrome or brushed aluminum paint.

Oh well, maybe someday, but I suspect that someone will eventually start to make and sell something to fit the Sport Trac.


It's not just a matter of someone making a gas door for the Sport Trac, it's how much are people willing to pay.

Most billet gas doors I have seen for other pickup trucks cost from about $39-$69. All of these vehicls out sell the Sport Trac several times over, so the demand is not there.

Would you be willing to pay $300-$350 or more for a limited edition?? I have a machine shop that I can send them a CAD file for their CNC 3-axis mill, and they would be glad to make one for you. I just think that cost is too much. To get the cost down to resonable amount to compare with the gas doors for other trucks would require making thousands of the gas doors. That's where the economic manufacturing quantity is impacted by the number of Sport Tracs sold. And frankly, I have not seen very may trucks or cars with billet aluminum gas door around here.

I do think there are a lot more Sport Tracs on the road and more people are discovering the Sport Trac, so that will likely lead to more manufatures making aftermarket accessories for out trucks.

