German Luger Parts Found (Advice Needed)

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Kailua-Oahu, Hawaii
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Thanks for the input on this Luger from 3/26 and 3/30.

Found these parts that may be designed for this DVM model.

Six black holsters include cartridges, twelve in all.

Other parts are a mystery. Are they made for this pistol?

Thanks again, guys.

[Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]:

Apologize for the timing of the previous post. Pure coincidence. (Hitler Downfall)
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SWS, remember how in your original post, I commented on how I had read the headline and, for a moment, thought "Luger" was referring to someone who participates in the sport of luge?

Well, I did it again--and this time, in light of the fatal crash at the Olympics, your headline sounded even odder. After all, how did you find the parts of a luger--were you cleaning up the track in Calgary after the games?


Good luck with figuring out the gun parts--just had to share this mis-read... :)
Bill- Your original post went completely over my head.

Warped sense of humor, if not somewhat deranged. LOL

Thanks! :supercool:
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The one looks like a rotary(drum) magazine. Be careful, here in Ohio if you insert a mag with a capacity of 30 or more into a centerfire semi automatic it's considered a machine gun. If Hawaii is like OHIO that drum is bad stuff. Most likely not but it's good to know these things before someone questions it.

'07 ST
Thanks for the valuable info Gary. ('07 ST)

Contacted David Carde from Greg Meyer Auctions in Irvine, Ca.

They are specialists in fine firearms and appear on PBS Antiques Roadshow, on occasion.

Says the "Snail Drum Magazine" with the loader tool, is worth more than the gun itself.

($1600-$2500) Same goes for the other stuff. Interesting, huh? LOL

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You have a very nice little package there. I would get several opinions on value. Along with the other Lugers you have I think your sitting on a small gold mine. Who is the member that posted they had several $500.00 bills left to them by family. I would like to hear the end results of that find.
Here are some quotes from a black gun site I frequent with the links:

"In the Ohio code, the term dangerous ordnance

includes: automatic firearms; short barreled rifles

and shotguns; firearms of crude or extemporized

manufacture; and devices that are not designed as

firearms but can be adapted for use as firearms, or are

capable of being used as firearms.

Automatic firearm is any firearm designed or

specially adapted to fire a succession of cartridges with a

single function of the trigger. Automatic firearm also

means any semi-automatic firearm designed or specially

adapted to fire more than thirty-one cartridges without

reloading, other than a firearm chambering only .22

caliber short, long, or long-rifle cartridges."

This is from

I'm not going to waste space with it.. Just go here :

I am an attorney in Ohio.

Yes, it is a felony to possess a centerfire semi-auto with a capacity of "more than" 31 rounds. An AK, for example, is legal with a 30 round magazine since it has a total capacity of 31 (30 in the magazine and one in the chamber). A semi-auto Uzi has a capacity of 33 with the 32 round magazine and is therefore illegal. It is the capacity that is the problem, not how many rounds you put in the magazine. Ohio considers such guns to be "automatic firearms" which is a poor choice of words. Ohio exempts NFA registered firearms so the capacity limit won't apply to your registered subgun.

Having said that, this is one of the most frequently violated and infrequently enforced laws ever. It is not illegal to sell or possess magazines having a capacity of more than 30 rounds in Ohio. I'm going to a gun show this afternoon and I'm sure I'll see plenty of AK drums, forty round mags for various guns etc. I also see them at ranges quite frequently. I used to volunteer to total strangers that I would see with AK's with drums and the like that they were in violation, but after a few rude responses decided WTF, it's their problem if they get caught. The only time I remember people being prosecuted under this section was as an additional count with some other felony i.e. bad guys.

Bottom line, if you have a semi-auto Uzi in Ohio, to be safe stick with the 25 round magazines.

I followed the link to the AR15 website about the case now pending in Toledo and reviewed the court docket on the internet. Unfortunately, the internet access does not permit the viewing of pleadings actually filed. Supposedly, the defendant in that case possessed a registered SBR but is being prosecuted for the over 31 shot capacity. If that it is true, one wonders why he didn't come under the NFA registered firearm exemption. There is some sort of Motion to Dismiss pending and set for briefing this month.

It's possible that the prosecution is taking a very technical approach under Ohio law. The prohibition is against possession of "dangerous ordnance" and dangerous ordnance can include, among others, a "sawed-off firearm" or an "automatic firearm" and , as already discussed, a centerfire semi-auto with a capacity of more than 31 is an "automatic firearm" under Ohio law. I suppose that the prosecutor could argue that an NFA firearm registered as an SBR would not be illegal as a sawed-off firearm, but since it is not registered as an automatic weapon it is still limited to the 31 round maximum capacity. Of course, the Catch 22 is that since the feds have no magazine capacity requirement, one cannot register a semi-auto on that basis.
Bill- Your original post went completely over my head.

Warped sense of humor, if not somewhat deranged. LOL

Thanks! :supercool:

I'm offended by that! How dare you say, "somewhat".


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