Those "thugs" in the NFL are no different than then street thugs that hang out of the corner thinking they are pimp gangsters.
All they do is make thier entire race look bad. I went camping a few weeks ago. I was absolutly suprised to see a black family camping in a motorhome. That was the first time I seen a black family out camping and I was happy to see it.
I was raised in predominatly black neighborhood and once in a while I will run into someone I went to elementary school with. I still ask about other kids I went to school with and you can not believe the number of them in prison or are dead from street crime.
For someone that does not know better, they would think all blacks are that way.
I could care less what color you are. Get a job, got to work, earn a living, and provide for yourself and your family.
Dress like a street thug and get treated like one. Unfortunatly, those NFL players atill think they are gangsters. Treat them like one. Send them to jail. Throw them out of the NFL.
Nobody would go to a doctor if he/she acted like a street thug.