Good thing.......

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I kinda dont want to touch this one... It could possibly take up my entire day/week.

but here i go anyways: :wacko:

This article is so off target it hurts to read!

A.) Wins aren't based on color...

They are based on Character/Talent...

(flip the coin)

B.) Character/Talent isn't based on color..

It is judged by your actions/performance...

C.) This article allows the few rotten apples to ruin the whole bunch.

Actually... yeah. Thats enough to give a solid rebuttal to the article. Huh...

From the article:

Race is not the determining factor when it comes to having a good or bad attitude. Culture is.

I think that's the point he's trying to make and I have to agree with him. The hip hop thug attitude does not belong in professional sports or even college sports.
I agree WoppyV. "A few bad apples" shouldn't hold down the fact that there are more talented, law-abiding, upstanding athletes that get no recognition what-so-ever. It's always the negative that we hear/read that gets any news attention. It's a shame. I'd just like to know what this guy is thinking. He has written (as I said before) articles of this nature before, and nothing has been done. Jimmy Kimmel cracks jokes about Joe Theisman getting fired from MNF while a guest on Mon. Nights game, and the producers of MNF said that he will never be welcome back as a guest again. Interesting.;)
I just read that last night.;)

Apparently, Thiesman and Kornheiser weren't seeing eye-to-eye or something. I'm not able to find much on that one.:wacko:
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I think back to when I was in middle school; my heroes were NFL players. I am sure nothing has changed, and middle school children still look at this men as role models. I think their are to many men in the NFL that are terrible role models, giving young boys and girls wrong ideas. Something needs to change.

Those "thugs" in the NFL are no different than then street thugs that hang out of the corner thinking they are pimp gangsters.

All they do is make thier entire race look bad. I went camping a few weeks ago. I was absolutly suprised to see a black family camping in a motorhome. That was the first time I seen a black family out camping and I was happy to see it.

I was raised in predominatly black neighborhood and once in a while I will run into someone I went to elementary school with. I still ask about other kids I went to school with and you can not believe the number of them in prison or are dead from street crime.

For someone that does not know better, they would think all blacks are that way.

I could care less what color you are. Get a job, got to work, earn a living, and provide for yourself and your family.

Dress like a street thug and get treated like one. Unfortunatly, those NFL players atill think they are gangsters. Treat them like one. Send them to jail. Throw them out of the NFL.

Nobody would go to a doctor if he/she acted like a street thug.

Send them to jail. Throw them out of the NFL

When nearly 1/2 of the Dallas Coyboys have a criminal record, you have people like Michael Vick and the Johnson boys pulling their schtick, when is the NFL going to clean up thoer own mess?

To me it's simple. I don't care if you are Peyton Manning, Randy Moss, LaDanian Tomlinson, etc. You have a criminal record (other than misdemeanors) you can't play. Period. White, Black, Purple, etc. Don't matter. Whatever happened to NFL (and MLB) being FAMILY entertainment?
You have a criminal record (other than misdemeanors) you can't play.

I agree.

Just something else that grinds my gears... Ray Lewis killed two people... yet he still plays ANNND when he was going thru the legal system was allowed to also!! Thats a huge wtf. The guy and his friends stabbed two men to death manage to get off with misdemeanors and he is still playing and considered the backbone of his team??? That's just gross.
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Those "thugs" in the NFL are no different than then street thugs that hang out of the corner thinking they are pimp gangsters.

It's a bigger problem because they are role models. They may not want to be but they are.

Caymen, without trying to sound racist to all the politically correct people here, I know exactly where your coming from. I went to a predominately black school. The majority of blacks didn't care about getting an education then and care even less now. They're still trying to blame others for their problems when it's their own that have caused them to not make any strides in the last 40 years. Intelligent blacks know this but are despised by their own race (and politically correct white liberals) when they speak out like the author of this article.
I'm not yet sure how I feel about that particular article--but I do know that on the subject of the future and present of blacks and black culture, Jason Whitlock has proved himself to be one of the best writers out there in recent years. I encourage you to find some of the other articles he's written in the past--it's almost eerie how well he's been able to cut through the crap and get to the heart of issues like this.
Jason W usually covers for Jim Rome one day when Romey goes to the basement for a week. He spends the 3 hours he is accorded on this subject and brings much to light about how this affects the culture.

I'm sure he doesn't make alot of friends in the NFL/HipHop community but there are alot of smart, hardworking blacks out there that are due more respect than they are given.

I am one that is quick to judge someone by their looks and attitude......a book is usually just what the cover says it is about.

Stupidity Breeds
Whitlock is black, so the article will stay. If a white guy wrote it, Sharpton would be in the street with a bullhorn leading the riot.

As a Steeler fan who had to suffer with his team being picked third in the division by most of the experts pre-season, I knew Cincy would fall apart this year.
Some very good points here and I'm glad this post didn't turn for the worse.

Bill V, I have read alot of his articles and have agreed with every one. He is a very good writer and isn't afraid to speak his mind and let the "punks" know where he stands. I also agree that if he were white, he would be now drinking coffee with Imas. Sad little fact since what he is saying is very true weither he is black or white.

WoppyV, lets not forget that R. Lewis also won the Superbowl that year he was being investigated for murder. Jamal Lewis (when he was a running back for the Ravens) was also being charged for drug trafficing.

RShrek, I agree with you 100%. The NFL needs to clean house and anyone that has a criminal record should not be allowed in pro sports. I don't care how "talented" you are or think you are. There is no place for it. Of course if that happened, Cincinnati would no longer have a team. I always find it interesting how many players the Steelers have let go when thier contracts are over, that later down the road, they end up getting arrested for something. I'm a Steelers fan and am wondering how much got covered up while they were here.:wacko:

JohnnyO, it's funny you should say that about Cincy. I was saying that every time someone would say, "Cincy is going to be the team to beat next year". Go Steelers!!!!;)

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