With the majority of Americans telling Congress not to do this, there will probably be a major upset in congress starting in November! :smile0008: You don't bite the hand that feeds ya!
Next up Ammnesty for illegals. Maybe they can ram that through and get them online to vote before November. All anyone needs is a park bench or a bridge overpass to list as a place of residence! There is hope for them if they can CHANGE everything. Healthcare and citizenship....who ya think the new voters will vote for? :smile0005:
I wonder if all the terroists that the Mexican drug gangs have been sneaking in through the southern borders will be eligible for amnesty? :smile0008:
I wish you folks in the southwest would send more illegals up here in the midwest. I go by Lowes and Home Depot all the time looking for some cheap workers and we never have any here.
I got lots of household chores and projects that I need done!