Gun Safety Video Update

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Sep 14, 2003
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Davie, FL
Do you remember the video Posted by Chops?

The video shows the 14-year agency veteran displaying his firearm and telling students he is the only one in the room professional enough to handle a gun. Then shoots himself in the leg.

Well now hes suing the DEA for releasing of the video.,0,4242198.story?coll=sfla-news-fringe

That idiot is the one who should be sued. The parents of those kids should take him to the cleaners. He didn't practice proper gun safety when he was teaching gun safety. Unfortunately this is ammuntiion (pun intended) for the anti-gun crowd. This video is PERFECT education material. Even a "professional" can become complacent with gun safety. We have a PowerPoint slide that goes around military circles of an NCO that didn't properly clear his 9mm at the clearing station and ended up ripping up his leg pretty good. That PowerPoint slide should be on the wall at every clearing station right next to the instructions that we all have "read a million times"... just to drive home that following them to the letter for the 1,000,0001st time wouldn't "hurt".
What a *******. I can't believe he is even still working for the DEA. Tells a lot about "government" employees.
He might have a case against the DEA for the video leaking but the parents of the kids should get far more. There beef is with the DEA as well since he was employed by them and evidently they allowed him to do the classes.
1. If that had occurred in ANY Canadian Police Service, he would be unemployed for careless use of a firearm, a criminal offence. I have seen members dismissed for much less. This is NOT an accidental discharge, this is careless disregard. He is so busy trying to impress children he neglected basic firearm safety.

2. I take the comment

Tells a lot about "government" employees

as a personal afront. I have been a "government employee for more than 30 years.

as a personal afront. I have been a "government employee for more than 30 years.

I bet you are a hard worker too.

Don't feel bad. Those that like to make comments like that have worked as a Firefighter, EMT, or Police (Many firefighter, EMT's, and Police officers are "government employees", though local government) and Military personal. (Which is part of the national government)

Go figure. I guess they don't look at it that way though.

He should have been arrested. There was no reason for him to bring a LOADED gun into a school for his demonstration. Even in our military classes, the guns are not loaded. :angry:
As bad as he did screw up his complaints are genuine. The parents of the class had and have the option to pursue any issues they may have at a civil level. The DEA has for all intensive purposes destroyed his career.

I am not saying he should have a career. He made a HUGE mistake. But the law does not work that way.

I think it is a legal issue more than anything else from his perspective.

From mine, I don't want him in my kids classroom...
Basic Gun Safety:

1) Keep Firearm UNLOADED until ready to use. Visually verify chamber is empty.

2) Keep finger off trigger until ready to fire

3) Besure of your target and what is beyond

4) Keep muzzle pointed in a safe direction

He pretty much broke all (4). I am a firearms owner. Before handling a firearm, I ALWAYS check to make sure there is not a round chambered. You wanna have a bad day? Look down the barrel of a 1911 and touch the trigger on an "empty" chamber. What would have been the result of ******* shot a child, not himself?

he is the only one in the room professional enough to handle a gun

Obviously not. They should have had Eddie The Eagle and the NRA in doing the demonstration. There wouldn't have been any of this macho BS put on by a "government" employee.

Here we go, everyone is soo careful...that is why they call them accidents. It can happen to anyone, anytime so dont post and claim you are the safest gun handler in the world...

I am a firearm owner also. My attitude is do not get confident and cocky, always remember that any accident can happen anytime to anybody.....
My attitude is do not get confident and cocky, always remember that any accident can happen anytime to anybody.....

And that is the way it is supposed to be. The DEA Agent was cocky.

I am definately not one to get cocky. I had a loaded SKS in my hand. I was trying to get seated at a bench to get ready to fire. Something happened (tripped? Stumbled? Misjudged? Something.) and I nearly fell over onto the bench seat, pointing the muzzle of my rifle right at my brother-in-law, and my finger slipped onto the trigger. It did not go off, but sure scared the hell out of me. My fault for handling the rifle inappropriately. I try to be much more careful now.

Safety should NEVER be ignored. Even if you are confidant that everything is unloaded and being handled properly, always handle a firearm as if it's loaded. Always double/triple check.

I have 5 rifles, a shotgun and a handgun. I also have an 19 month old daughter running around. I can never be too safe.
Can he sue the DEA for being a tool? I don't like to have ill opinions of people, but this guy just seems like a tool, even BEFORE he shot himself.
Accidents do happen. You cannot be too careful.

I belonged to an outdoor gun range years ago, and I was dialing in the sights on a new Smith 9 I had just purchased.

Now this outdoor range was bad, really bad, for mosquitoes.

When you feel a biting mosquito on the right side of your head, and your right handed, which hand would you swat it with?

What if you have a loaded and locked hand gun in your right hand and that happens? S&W does not make for an effective bug killer.

Fortunately I caught myself before a tragedy occurred and can live to write about it. I got out of there after realizing what I was autonimously doing without thinking.....

My motorcycle safety instructor, who was a 15 year veteran of his craft and owned a safety school fulltime (may his soul RIP), was not so lucky when he let his guard down and got whacked from behind by a SUV.

To everyone that says: "Accidents happen".

Sorry, I won't give this guy a pass.

YES, accidents happen at the gun range, or while hunting, etc, but those are areas and surroundings where ONE SHOULD HAVE and HAS TO HAVE a LOADED GUN.

Those guns never should have left the DEA agents car for transporation into the school WITHOUT inspection of each, and their chambers for ammo.

He f'ed up. Some accidents are unavoidable. This was more gross negligence than an accident, IMHO.

Gun safty in a school is being told not to touch them not showing them how they work. You could always show some pictures of what happens after being shot or what happens after you accidently shoot your self.