T Thomas Rogers Well-Known Member Joined Jul 23, 2004 Messages 11,336 Reaction score 1 Location Sellersville, PA May 5, 2010 #1 Enjoy this MYST classic...worth the read for newbies:
Mark K 2 Well-Known Member Joined Mar 22, 2002 Messages 2,539 Reaction score 12 Location Baldwin, WI May 5, 2010 #2 [Broken External Image]:
swshawaii Moderator Staff member 1st Gen Owner V6 Engine 2 wheel drive Joined Feb 27, 2009 Messages 5,694 Reaction score 556 Location Kailua-Oahu, Hawaii What engine do you have? V6 engine What year is your Sport Trac? 2005 What Generation is your Sport Trac? 1st Gen Owner May 5, 2010 #3 That has to be a record number of replies, or close to it. Question. How did the Titanic sink, being made of titanium? Mayo is highly corrosive to iron, and other metals. Any connection? :rofl: Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2010
That has to be a record number of replies, or close to it. Question. How did the Titanic sink, being made of titanium? Mayo is highly corrosive to iron, and other metals. Any connection? :rofl:
D David Griffith 2 Well-Known Member Joined Dec 8, 2005 Messages 2,492 Reaction score 0 Location Atlanta, GA May 6, 2010 #4 Can't believe I read that...again.. Just can't stop, lol. Can I have that 3 minutes back please.