Happy St. Urho's Day!!!!

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Bill V

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2001
Reaction score
Brooklyn Park, MN
Just had to post a quick note to everyone who is proudly wearing purple today--Happy St. Urho's Day!!!!

Heinasirkka, heinasirkka, menetaalta hiiten!!!!!!

(For those of you uninitiated in the glorious deeds of this saint, many years ago, St. Urho reportedly drove the grasshoppers out of the vineyards of Finland, saving their crop. The phrase above is the words he is supposed to have used to accomplish this--it more-or-less translates to "Grasshopper, grasshopper, get out of here!" It is now basically the unofficial slogan of the day.)

Now go out and drink some purple beer!!!!
huh!!! Wonder how that translates to today being my wedding anniversary.

Happy anniversary Grumpette.


Just thought I'd share - see girls, some men do remember :D
I should clarify to everyone--St. Urho is completely fictitious. He was invented by northern Minnesota Scandinavian immigrants back in the 1950s, basically to one-up the Irish immigrants' stories of St. Patrick (most of which are just as ficititious--the only difference being that there was a real St. Patrick, although he didn't do most the stuff legend says he did)--and to have an excuse to start their St. Patrick's Day drinking 24 hours earlier. But it has become an enduring enough celebration that it has spread not only through the upper Midwest, but also back to Finland, and there are a handful of statues of St. Urho in northern Minnesota towns. And hey, if it means more opportunity to consume beer this weekend, who are we to argue? :D
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That makes it just as valid as "Sweetest Day", which was created by an Ohio candy company in 1922 to show appreciation for others. Unfortunately, many translate it to a second Valentine's Day.
Being raised in the UP of Michigan, I know that St Urho is not fictitious, maybe mythological. The story goes that St Urho is the great Bear, and at this time of the year he goes deep in to the northern woods to confront Winter(another mythical character) and breaks the Winter's back.

Thats a good reason to drink a beer or two, even if it is green.:D

Happy St Urho's tay
eledhel, it's still as valid as St. Patrick's Day--or at least, the parts of St. Patrick's Day that revolve around leprechauns, shamrocks, green beer, and stories about St. Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland...
Bill V - I prefer to drink on a special occasion...like Saturday.:lol:

As long as your special occasions aren't the 7 days of the week (barring college), I think you're safe.;)
I'm staying away from purple beer. Next Bill V will be saying there is no St Spoetzl, who single handily drove away all the wild elephants in Texas in the 1800's. :D