Havin a bad day....illegal alien style

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Raser x

Active Member
Aug 3, 2005
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Hey Guys,

One of my crew didn't make it to the job site this morning. Fortunately for him he was in the big truck.

My Crewman was driving at 35 mph down the road with 33,000 Gross Vehicle weight dump truck fully loaded with gravel. When The explorer blew through a red light at an estimated speed of 60 mph. The impact drove drove the passenger side door in toward the center of the vehicle a full twelve inches. The explorer was lifted completely off the ground and spun 180 degree's. Only the grace of God kept the dump truck from flipping and seriously injurying my co-worker. [Broken External Image]:[Broken External Image]:

The two illegals in the explorer..well. The driver fled the scene leaving his passenger trapped in the car. After the EMS extricated him he had to be Aircared. But I don't believe he survived. He was moving when he I saw him but the EMS didn't have high hopes for his survival. We spent the next three hours cleaning up the mess.

The reason I write this is. My coworker is emotionally a wreck. A brand new Dump truck is totalled and a man is most likely dead not to mention that The officers told me that the city will be footing the bill since the illegals didn't have insurance. When does it end? How do we stop the bleeding? No wonder we pay so much for police and fire services....oh and Taxes

Sorry guys just venting a little....

Those Pro for allowing illegal aliens to stay would say that they are helping our economy....Yea, really! No insurance, usually work under the table (no taxes), no medical...etc. Give me a break.
Completely understood....

I was rear ended by 2 illegals in my St when it had only 500 miles...

Luckily by the grace of god, their boss was behind them in his personal truck and took the blame saying he was driving..

Not to mention I got some cash for that !!...LOL

Need to explain to your buddy that the dump truck can be replaced, and that he will not be blamed or penalized for any thing....

If it helps tell him that he took 2 leaches off the streets...

Todd Z
I really love that Illegal Immigrants are allowed to get a drivers license even though they have no SS numbers. Something is not right about that....
im with you man...i work as an EMT where i live..(im a volunteer though,,not paying lots of money..hehe) but deffiantly top 3 worst accident i have seen were due to illegal aliens driving...i even had one drive northbound on rt 8 southbound and hit a car head on at about 60-70...lets just say i had to wash the ambulance out when we got back to base,,,i dont know how to stop it but something has to happen..just my 2 cents
"The driver fled the scene leaving his passenger trapped in the car."

Was Ted Kennedy driving???
Why is it that illegal aliens and drug runners drive like maniacs? You'd think they'd want to keep a low profile.
Why does being an illegal alien mean anything here? There are 1000's of horrific acidents everyday so what's the point? Not trying to fire you up or play pro-illegal alien bust geez guys isn't this a stretch?
Why does being an illegal alien mean anything here? There are 1000's of horrific acidents everyday so what's the point? Not trying to fire you up or play pro-illegal alien bust geez guys isn't this a stretch?

No, it's not a stretch at all. The very fact that they entered and were living in this country illegally shows a blatant disregard for the laws of our country. So if they didn't care to immigrate legally, they obviously didn't give a damn about traffic laws either. That's why they blew a red light at over 60 mph and caused this accident. Sad that a man was killed, but they brought it on themselves. Look at how much these two have cost the American taxpayer since they entered the country illegally
Why... In this case this specific accident would not have happened if he was not driving due to NOT being in this country. Lets go another route. Say you lose your license but drive anyways. If you get in an accident, your fault or not, your still wrong as you should NOT have been on the road. Wrong is wrong no matter an Illegal Alien, white, black, green or other wise. It just so happened that in this case it was an Illegal Alien...

I totally agree. My remark above would apply to anyone - illegal alien or not.

It is really amazing, the number of people I see in my practice that don't have a license due to problems with the law. None of them are illegal aliens!!

Not to mention the fact that being an illegal alien and NOT possessing any insurance we, the taxpayers, have to cover all the damages, including any medical help the unfornate one who lost his life incurred. But if you don't pay taxes because you don't believe in paying for crap like this, they take YOUR financial freedom away because SOMEONE ELSE failed to do the right thing. Pretty crappy if you ask me.
I live in Ohio..the heart of the country.

The reason I mention illegal aliens is...since the construction industry has exploded in my area.The illegal alien population has expanded exponetially. All the local commerce in my area has bowed to the fact that they can't speak or read english. The signs are all presented with espaniol captioning. The most basic requirement of being american is being able to speak the language. Along with the influx in my area crime has soared to unbeleivable levels.Yes, we have regular crime. Like crack, alcohol..ect. But, all the lower income housing areas are becoming Baririo's (spainish ghettos). If you remember in national news recently, an illegal raped a 9 year old girl in my town. They have never found him. Two illegals died do wheelies down a residetial street when they lost control and hit a telephone pole the pieces exploded in front of a fellow workers car. Had they missed the pole they would have taken out my coworker. They are out and out murdering each other in the streets (local bar has it on video). The most frustrating part of the situuation is that the local police are powerless to do anything. If they pull them over for a traffic violation, they are generally let go without a ticket. Even if they have no licscence. Which wouldn't matter since they change names almost daily. Unless its a particularly violent crime there are no consequences. I work beside the police and they are equally frustrated. So how do you Deal with somebody that doesn't value the life of the passenger in his car? Now I don't just blame the Mexicans. I also blame the "Buisness men making a profit of thier cheap labor". I'm just left to deal with the situation as it stands. I worry for my wife driving to work. My daughter at school (which must provide education services for the children legal or not". The financial burden placed on this town is unbelieveable. The free medical care and schooling alone is bankrupting our economy. Not to mention the increased taxation that is being passed to support them. So once again I ask...what do we do? how do we stop the bleeding? I'm not against a man trying to provide for his family. I against people getting a free ride on my back. If you are going to be here be here legally, jump through the same hoops I have had to jump through. Otherwise I am left with no alternative except to treat those as they treat each other.

These feelings come from and American Indian who knows and understands what its like to descriminated against.

Raesrx puts away his soapbox....and waits for a response.
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Geez......sounds like you are living in California!!

They catch them by the van full here in Iowa, traveling at night. About once a month, one always crashes on the interstate and they fley. Usually tired from driving all night. We had one local deputy sheriff being accused of racism because on his highway he patrols, he has been accused of pulling over the mexicans, only. Well it is an area where there is a lot of construction and they have tail lights out on cars, etc, so it is justified to pull 'em over. Now he had a local meeting with the sheriff and the local latino counsel and now he is off to some class to learn how to speak spanish...so spanish class for the officer, for doing his job! :wacko:
Well come on folks, lets face it Spanish conquerors left a huge print in this country down south, people there speak spanish and the sooner we except that we can move on.

Quebec has the same deal with French and English and they seem to be doing just fine, why can't we do the same? I ask this in all honesty, is there a taint of rascism in this?
Joseymack, I agree with your comment, but I don't think the point of this post was meant to expose the language barrier. I think what most here have a problem with is a disregard for the laws of this country. We welcome all people of any race, religion, etc., but please follow the proper avenues to gain residency. Please respect that we are all required to have auto insurance to drive. Please respect that we all have to pay taxes in order for our country to continue funding programs that in turn will even help you.

I have a friend from Malaysia. It took her several years to gain access to American soil. She was sponsored by a church and was able to become a citizen. She pays taxes, has insurance, and is a productive member of society. Is there something so difficult about that?
Joseymack, you said:

Why does being an illegal alien mean anything here? There are 1000's of horrific acidents everyday so what's the point? Not trying to fire you up or play pro-illegal alien bust geez guys isn't this a stretch?

When others supplied answers supporting reasons why this is primarily an illegal alien issue, you try to change the subject, attempting to paint it as a racial discrimination issue due to a language barrier.

Well come on folks, lets face it Spanish conquerors left a huge print in this country down south, people there speak spanish and the sooner we except that we can move on.

Quebec has the same deal with French and English and they seem to be doing just fine, why can't we do the same? I ask this in all honesty, is there a taint of rascism in this?

As Jenn D said, it's not about a language barrier, and it's not about racism. It's about respecting and obeying the laws of this nation and assimilating into American culture.During the 19th and 20th centuries, millions of Europeans immigrated to America legally, obeyed the laws, learned the primary language (English), assimilated into American culture, and eventually became American citizens.

There are millions of illegal aliens in this country, but the majority of them happen to be Hispanic, either from Mexico or other Central American countries who refuse to obey our laws, learn the language, or assimilate into our culture. That's not racist, it's a fact. And the language barrier is there of their own choosing, because they refuse to learn English.
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