HELP! Electrical kablewie (blown relay/short/IDK)

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Chris Turner

Oct 27, 2010
Reaction score
, NM
My '07 4.0 ST was running fine this morning... but when I left work, turning the key gave me:

*strong clunk* (starter engaging the flywheel)

*loud pop from somewhere under the dash*

*fast clicking* (like what a dead battery gives you)

When I let off the starter and yanked the key out, something somewhere under the dash was giving a hard click every second or two, for about half a minute, then softening to lighter, faster clicks for a minute or two, and cycling like that between harder and softer clicking periods. The harder ones I could feel in the fuse box under the dash, by the steering column.

Now, putting the key in and just turning it to Run gives the same fast clicking, as if it was trying to start but the battery was dead. (But it started strong this morning and again at lunch, with no hint of sluggishness.) On turning the key to start, the "Passenger Airbag Off" light flickers and something in the MAF body seems to be clicking fast (I could feel it w/ my hand). Also, *after* attempting to start the engine (while trying to zero in on the clicking) and taking the key out, there is a series of slow clicks behind the dash, like relays moving. After these relay clicks, the 4WD lights and cruise control lights start flickering sporadically.

None of the lights work, including headlights and interior lights. Locks have no power. None of the fuses are blown, either in the main fuse box in the engine compartment or in the fuse box under the dash/by the driver's kick panel.

I have my theories, but they're only that. Does anyone have any ideas about or experience with this?
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Clean the corrosion from between the terminals.

The battery will give you 12+V with a multimeter, but the corrosion prevents current from the battery to turn the engine over.
You can put your vom on the battery. Then crank the motor. If it drops below 10vdc while cranking. That is not good. have it tested.
Aight, so I've learned several lessons:

1) Like the Ghostbusters' ghost storage, when their isn't sufficient power, all the little ghosts and gremlins get out and run amok. (My truck does weeeeeird stuff with a dead battery.)

2) When in doubt, check the battery... before pulling the dash apart to chase a relay. :banghead:

3) How my driver's side dash is put together and how to get to otherwise inaccessible things under there.

So, overall, it was a good learning experience!

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