hitting a pole at full speed

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gary s

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2004
Reaction score
long island, NY
last night our greyhounds were having some fun chasing each other. jinx was at full speed (and that is fast, up to 45mph) when she rounded a turn and hit a thick sheppards pole.

the pole had a bird feeder on it and was deep in the ground with a rock to help support it.

the bird feeder went flying and i heard a loud yelp and was schocked to see how she bent it.

she seems to be ok, but has a pretty deep gash on her shoulder. ouch !!!

this pole is thick and very difficult to bend.

glad she is ok

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Hope she's OK. I know they are tuff dogs but that looks like she took a pretty good hit.

Sure put a whoopin on that post.
Whoa... glad Jinx is sorta OK. Go to the vet? Stitches? The cone of shame? Maybe you could sell the pole as "modern art"!! just like child-proofing a house, you probably should do the yard and remove obstacles, fill in holes, remove stones and brick. Give the poor dog a chance to run free!! BC :eek:nline:
I say, keep them darn sheppards out of your yard! and quit leaving their poles where dogs can run into them. I think I smell a law suit! :grin:
My greyhound scared up a real rabbit at the ballfield one day. After a while of running for its life, the rabbit scooted under the fence. Allen didn't get stopped in time, plowed into the fence, and broke an eyetooth. This necessitated a visit to the doggie dentist and a root canal. First I ever heard of doing a root canal to a dog.

Hope your dog is okay. Their skin is pretty thin, might need stiches.


the yelp when she hit that pole was scary.

she is ok. the gash is deep but healing well. we found one above her eys that was smaller and is healing good.

for a 'lil girl she is real strong & tough. :supercool:

btw, i wonder if she got bumped at the turn. our other hound had the guilty/concerned look on his face.

Hope your dog is OK and also that the name did not "Jinx" her :grin: Those dogs are so fast it is unreal. Nearly bought a Whippet one time and it was a blurr and quick as an electric cat.
Ouch. I'm glad she's OK. Our Sheltie ran into our small oak tree while I was playing frisbee with him once. He also "yelped", and got mad at the tree, but got over it quickly. It was sort of funny, but I felt bad at the same time.