How to get rid of cigarette smell

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There's no doubt that smokers aren't very bright.

Fast food might kill, but it's easy to give up.

Nicotine is an addiction and hard to shake.

Most addicts are in denial, present company included.
By all means clean the upholstery best as you can but in my experience, most of the odor of tobacco smoke resides within the vents by way of tar residue. This is particuliary bad because the vent system is used pretty much in any climate, whether it be heat, vent or A/C.

Only way I've found to eliminate the smell completely is to dis-assemble the vent ducts and clean the insides to remove the tar. IF this was an ST with rubber matting I wouldn't suggest this but if the car has carpeting, I'd change it as well. Besides being the biggest collector of the residue, it's also considerably cheap and easy to do yourself. Not only that, the chemical (new) smell you get from the new caret will over-ride the odor as well.

BTW...I also recommend this method of cleaning for dead varmints within the vent ducts!!!

Good Luck...

Another BTW...I'm a smoker myself but I can't stand the smell either!!!
Wow, Jerry......judge much? I didn't attack any one, so why must you feel the need to do it? is it because you're an asshole?

Listen pops, I'm not in denial. I know I have a problem smoking these dog turds. I also hate the smell of it. As a matter of fact, I hate every thing about it.

So don't come on here with your "holier than thou" attitude.


If you really do hate it as much as you say, you can get help by calling 1-877-U-CAN-NOW. That's the number for the Florida Quitline. They'll set you up with counseling, information and even cessation products (patches, gum or lozenges) and it's absolutely free for Florida residents.

Dude, I lost both grandfathers and one grandmother to smoking-related illnesses (one grandfather when he was in his early 50's) as well as several family friends. I don't know you, and I'm a Seminole fan, but I'd like nothing better than to hear that you've avoided their fate. Good luck.
If you really want to know how to get smoke smell out of your ride, ask a pothead. "Dude! I gotta get this smell out before I get busted". Just make sure they're not stoned when you ask. Side note: this topic was getting too ugly, thought it could use a little humor!:D
Dude, I lost both grandfathers and one grandmother to smoking-related illnesses (one grandfather when he was in his early 50's) as well as several family friends. I don't know you, and I'm a Seminole fan, but I'd like nothing better than to hear that you've avoided their fate. Good luck.

Neighbor lady is 97 years old. She smoked since she was 10 years old. She is on oxygen now, but is it because of the smoking or is it because she is 97 years old?

Some people develop symptoms and others don't. Smoking the cause? I don't believe it. Smoking can contribute to it? I can buy that.


p.s. Not a smoker but support the right for anyone to smoke, if they choose to.
My brother just did this because he is selling his 2003 explorer sport(anyone interested?) he took a bunch of apples and cut them up and left them in the car overnight. He wasnt a smoker but had smelly dogs in there all the time, he said it worked great at getting the smell out. The apples tasted like dog breath though;)
I'll tell you when my mother stopped smoking, it was sometime during the falling to the ground during her heart attack at age 41 on the golf course. 27 smoke free years later and she has outlived both her surgeons (they both died scuba diving off the coast of S. Florida - so give that up too, it's bad for you). She also angry about the smokers when it infects her clothing. Less of an issue now in NY but trouble when she is in Florida during the winter with the French Canadian retirees who like their smokes.

Lost a good friend who smoked incessently to lung cancer 2.5 years ago....not pretty and it happens quick and essentially there is no turning back. As long as you know your potential fate, in the immortal words of Dark Helmet (Spaceballs), "Smoke 'em if you got em."

There are always exceptions to the rule, but that doesn't make the rule any less true. Magic Johnson's doing alright, does that mean HIV isn't deadly?

In any case, Gatorrich said himself that he hates cigarettes (in fact, 70% of adult smokers say they'd quit completely if they could) so I just provided him with an excellent resource for doing so if he's interested.
Probably a better investment than most right now. Despite the increasing laws against smoking in the US, they still sell like hotcakes in the third world countries! :(
I quit smoking 22 years ago, but I could never get my wife to quit. She died of lung cancer in September 2007.

My conclusion is that nobody can make a smoker quit until they make the conscience committment to quit. It's tough for the first few weeks, but the cravings start to taper off after that. Make no mistake, you will still have some cravings even after 5 years, but you have to fight the temptation.

My technique for quiting was to make small milestone steps like not to smoke for 1 hour. After the hour was over and I wanted a cigarette, I would tell myself that I had not smoked for one hour, so I can go another hour without a cigarette. This continue and the longer I had stoppeed smoking, the further I would push myself and after about a month, it is much easier to just ignore the cravings or atleast you can say that you stoped for a month, so you really don't need a cigarette and the cravings will subside.

Again, there are no tricks or counselors who can make you stop smoking, its all mind control and determination, but YOU must be committed to quiting. You cannot be discouraged or overpowered by the cravings for a cigarette. If you cannot make that kind of committment, you nor anyone else will be able stop you from smoking

By the way, "Digerettes" are the new digital version of cigarettes. Highly addictive, and marketed to the kids using new digital technology!!:lol: (Oops, Richard L got that last post in before I finished this one. Bad timing, no disrespect intended. Sorry for your loss...
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I'm quitting for good this week. I sucessfully quit for 4 years, but slipped up last Oct. during a rare night at the bars. Been sucking down the Marlboro Ultra Lights ever since. Its over....I hope!!!! I was at the gym last week, and thought I'd impress the ladies with my usual fast run on the treadmill at 8MPH. It was all good until I started sweating, and the whole area filled with the stink of cigarette tar! I had no idea you could sweat the stink of cigarettes, but I now know it can happen. No dates this week!:eek:
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SKRX, you joke, but what you're talking about actually exists. Check out the link, and pay attention to the flavors offered. Who do you think that's being marketed to?
There are always exceptions to the rule, but that doesn't make the rule any less true. Magic Johnson's doing alright, does that mean HIV isn't deadly?

What that tells me that just because you may be HIV positive it does not mean you are going to die of AIDS.

What about people that never smoked, never been around a smoker, or had anything to do with smoking come down with lung cancer and die? If smoking causes lung cancer, what caused that case of lung cancer?

Simple fact is, Smoking may speed up the disease and it may contribute to it, but I refuse to fall into the trap of "Cancer is caused by smoking".

I worked in a facility that produced beryllium products. Beryllium causes CBD. (Cronic Beryllium Disease) Those that inhale beryllium may or may not get the disease. Those that do not inhale beryllium will never get the disease.

Those that smoke may or may not get lung cancer or other lung diseases. Those that do get lung cancer or lung diseases are not all that smoked.


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