Howdy Ya'll !!!

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Active Member
Jan 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans, LA
Howdy Ya’ll !!

Sorry I have not been around lately but I’ve been VERY BUSY down here. New Orleans is coming back but progress is slow. Finally got my Mom back in her house ( she had 4 huge trees fall on her house). And now that she is out my house , I will be putting up a lady friend & her small daughter who lost everything for awhile… till they find someplace to live. Should be interesting …..4 yr old and four dogs ( two mine & two her’s) in a small house.

I have been working a lot of overtime and in the evening I’ve been helping a group of friends that have been working on one house at time ( sort of a co-op). We first gutted everyone house and are now in the process of redoing the sheetrock. My pay back will come when I redo my floors in a few months.

I went up to Tennessee for Thanksgiving …had a great time ……the fall colors were really spectacular. It was hard to leave my new friend again but we plan on continuing our long distance relationship.

AS for my ST …. Running great but I’ve only washed her once in last couple months. Have not had my tonnneau cover on since I’ve been back ….lots of trips to Home Depot.

Well I’ll stay a touch as much as I can.

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Glad to hear you are doing good. I figured you got hitched to the nurse in TN and found something more fun to do with your time than hanging out with us. :D
were you at toys r us yesterday i saw a trac just like yours no cover and it had the crossbars i thought you got glad to here you are fine.
Nice to hear from you and it's also nice to hear about you getting together with your friends to rebuild.

Reminds me of "barn raising"!:cool:
Glad your okay Cajun. Have some friends that live near the French Quarter. Their house miraculously survived the wind, flood and looting but they still have no power or water. Makes it tough for cooking and they said there still is not that many eating establishments open. They are sticking it out but don't Know what they are going to do. Unless the levy is fixed so that it won't happen again, they don't see much point in staying there.
Man I almost forgot how great the people are here .......Thanks ya'll !!

They just this week they open the last part of city so people could come back to LOOK....

I live in the next parish (same as a county everywhere else) to the west so I was VERY lucky. It's very weird .....In Jefferson Parish things are getting back to normal except must everything closes at around 8pm. New Orleans has small areas that are coming along while others that took water are without the basics you need to live.The flood in the city was a man-made disater.....The levees were not properly built and everyone blames everyone else. The areas southeast of the city were hit by the storm surge and will take a long time to come back if they do at all. Use to be when you met someone you have not seen in awhile you would ask " How have you been ??".... now you say " How did you make out ??".
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