So when does the "KL Komedy Korner" tour start? I'd like to get some tickets.
I have to respond to just about everything you threw out there lol.
1) Toronto is literally full to the brim with "Yuppies" - It's trying to be the NYC of Canada :banghead:
2) I can't help but think what would happen if a Canadian company were to develop a kick ass vehicle which was affordable, had superb perfomance, and ran on alternative fuel sources. I feel like it would end up like the whole Avro Arrow debacle. Of course, it was ultimately OUR fault for scrapping the project, as we didn't want our southern neighbours to develop a similar inferiority complex to the one we have always exhibited. - chalk that up to Canadian manners I guess.
3) Canadian Bacon is freakin' fantastic (especially while camping) - prove me wrong! And I've enjoyed a Moose Roast as well as Moose Burgers. Fantastic, but a little gamey.
4) I followed the blue jays until they won the back to back world series. Somewhere along the way I lost interest and well, Hockey got the better of me. Plus there's nothing quite like a day at the Skydome....err "Roger's Centre"...with a bunch of buddies and many, many pints of booze.
5) Weird Al kicks ASS: "yo-yo-yo-yo-yoooda" - one of my favs.
As for the Hummer....the....uh...vehicle...
There is a diagram in that lot of pics that show the fenders would be removable - I could see some real Moab enthusiasts (with TONS of $$$) totally eating that up. the six speed auto is totally weak, I agree. As stated before, a manual transmission is the way to go - absolutely.
it seems that the tourist info for many places in Canada begins "There is no road access", or "there is no paved road access" or "Seasonal road access only"...
Aren't those the best kinds of vacations anyway? Remoteness, wilderness, crapping in the woods, beers and crappy food all week, etc, etc. And hell, if my little ST can do it, this wanna-be mobile should be able to handle the ruggedness of the Canadian terrain
Although the lack of bed/cargo area would have me leaving it at home and opting to fire up the ST for yet another adventure...so like I said in a previous post, I probably wouldn't really end up buying one anyway... Besides, I thought the ST was a thirsty beast... That thing probably consumes fuel as it sits in your driveway.