Doesn't matter, even if you're in the left lane the speed limit is the speed limit and that's as fast as you're allowed to go. It was explained to me that way by Officer Friendly a few months ago on the NY Thruway. ("But officer, I only sped up to pass that semi."
A bald-faced lie and didn't get me out of the ticket.) If you're going the limit then legally you're not impeding traffic, although some states have laws about how long you can be in the left lane without passing anyone. PA recently passed a law like that but I'd like to see them try to enforce it.
If you don't like a law then elect people who will change the law.
I stopped at the courthouse at lunch to change my registration to Democrat, temporarily, so I can vote against a certain incumbent in the primary. Around here it's about 3 to 1 Democrat and the primary is the only election that means anything.
If my guy wins, I'm going to ask him to get rid of those pesky radar broadcasters PA uses that make my detector go off when there's no cops around. You can't tell what's real or not right away so you end up slowing down a lot. The boy who cried wolf and all that, yaknow.