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hahaha... yikes... at least we know the tie downs are strong. One of my pet peeves of my track is those snagging at carwashed among other things. But the pros still outway the cons whenever I have to haul anything.
:eek: And he did't even finish rinsing his ST. :huh:

I thought this one was absolutely hilarious: Roofless car goes in a high powered car wash.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/TKljrBwlPqw"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/TKljrBwlPqw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
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Bart, It was really very easy. All I had to do is look over to the right where it says "About This Video", and at the bottom of that box it says embedded. Just 'cut-n-paste' like you would a link except you past it into the 'Message'. You don't have to know any code. :cool:
First of all, the guy really, really sux at washing cars. WTF! Are people really so clueless? I can wash my whole ST on one 4 minute cycle and that's WITH foaming brush in between, but YES, it does mean I have to move my arse a bit. This guy gives slow and lackadaisical a new meaning.

Secondly, this video makes me feel better about the couple of shirt sleeves I have snagged and ruined on my ST's tie downs. :eek:


Nice, Q. Nope, it wasn't me.

But I see I'm your new pet peeve. Caymen you can thank me for getting him off your back.

Just like Q...an agreeable difference of opinion turns into verbal abuse (on the part of Q), then a bunch of "hit and runs" on the part of Q in various threads.

Lay off me, Q, or accept my challenge in the last thread... In other words so that it is completely clear; PUT UP or SHUT UP!

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that is rule number one no-no for those type of carwashes. Use them on your rims, molding, windows... stuff like that, but never on your paint.... leaves nasty swirl marks, especially on dark painted vehicles.... i used to do it on my cars... when I was 16 - 20 years old, before I learned better.

I have a friend that owns a vary nice detailing shop and its on his business card on the back to never use a foam brush on the paint, regardless of how soft they claim the bristles are.
Big D,

Well let's agree to disagree on this one as I don't think AGE and KNOWING BETTER has anything to do with it, as I have been using the foam brushes for years, am 40 years old, and have had several new cars of various colors.

I might add however that whenever I use the foam brush I do so ONLY after running my hand through it to make sure there is no grit in it that can scratch the paint. I have never had issue with it. No swirl marks of any kind...no fine scratches in the clearcoat...nothing.

Frankly don't see how it can be any more harmful (baring it having some grit in the brush), then using a hand towel and doing the cleaning in my driveway.

Furthermore, it seems worthless, IMHO, to stop at one of the wand brush places if you DON'T use the brush. I say that because ALL of the ones near me say "NO BUCKET WASHING", and anytime I tried washing a vehicle without the brush, there is always a thin flim of grime left behind.

I only use the wand brush places if in a pinch (3 or 4 times a year tops), most of the time I wash the vehicles in my driveway.

Thanks for the info though, Big D, I will be more cautious and be on the lookout and maybe one day I will "learn" the hard way, but until then and up until this point, I haven't had any of the caveats you mention, and if I were to forego the brush I might was well forego the wand brush joints too.

Pretty sad that they have to have surveillance cameras in car washes these days. I think they just want to see someone christining the back seat of their new ST!! :cool:
Caymen you can thank me for getting him off your back.

TJR, as long as he calls me by either Tom or Caymen, I don't care how he acts. Most people here are tired of Q. Report him to rich. He can join the ranks of Bill Barber. Honestly, I don't think Bill was half as bad a Q is.

Yeah, my first thought was "Why didn't he rinse it off?"

TJR and TomT: I have torn 2 shirts on my tiedowns too. I am glad I am not the only one. LOL

P.S. It was also nice to learn how to post a video. (thanks Rodger)
Lost 2 Polos on my hooks before I took em off. $100 in shirts in two weeks vs. $50 for the tie-downs.