I just had mine pulled a couple months ago after putting it off for years. My dentist kept saying that I should have them pulled because they were sideways and pushing into my other teeth. They didn't really bother me much except for a dull ache now and them so I kept putting it off. After having them out though I really notice the difference and I am so glad that I did. My experience with the whole process was fairly good. It didn't really hurt that bad having them out (I didn't get put under just local anesthesia), and there was a really hot nurse there. The pain afterward was not all that bad as long as I took the medication as prescribed. I didn't take the strong stuff they gave me just the regular prescription size dose of the pain reliever.
As for the eating part you just have to hang in there for a few days. I ate alot of macaroni and cheese in several different flavors (white cheddar, sharp cheddar, three cheese, four cheese, aged cheddar etc). Even just macaroni and butter with salt and pepper was good. Also I found the hamburger helper microwavable singles in a few different flavors and those were pretty good. If you care for soup at all there are several creamy type soups that are good after the first day or two when its ok to have hot liquid. I also made and ate a lot of instant pudding.
No matter what do not over due it. Its better to have to put up with eating limited food then to end up having complications because you hurried back to your normal routine. The whole process for me was quite easy and not nearly as painful as I thought it would be and a lot of that I believe is because I followed the after care instructions. Make sure you do the salt water rinse out and then the cleansing with that little squirting syringe thing and it will keep your mouth clean and avoid infection and bad taste.
Just hang in there in a couple weeks you be back to normal.