It would be better to buy an Adrenalin.
The fenders are different, the entire front clip, the body moldings, the roof rack is removed, the box is different.
Then you have the interior, where several items are particular to the Adrenaline and will not fit a regular ST. Many parts would be mickey moused on and give you a lot of grief over time.
You would probably be talking $8000 - $10000 for parts. The parts are very hard to get. I cannot even get LED after market tail lights for an Adrenalin.
As the Adrenalin is now non-production, I see the odd one in the Auto Trader. They are not totally rare.
Then you have a real Adrenalin in which all you have to modify is the exhaust as the factory exhaust is wimpy.
My son and I changed the exhaust on both of ours. His was more of a scream, mine is very throaty. Then we both went with a Zabtec throttle body fed through a KN intake. What a sweet sound.
I had a 2008 as my first one and traded it at just over a hundred K in two years. I now have the 2010 with 125,000K on it. It is my main work truck. Sweet ride. :haveabeer: