I'd Sell My Mother's Shoes To Buy This!

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That was posted when it debuted for a car show last year, forget which one, the Tawinese one or seomthing. One of those Pacific Rim countries. I like it.
And Tom, Why don't they?!?!

This 4-Trac, for Ford, and the new Holden Commodore CT-r by G.M., (that just went

on sale in Australia), would totally blow away anything currently available in the 'States!

Are they wanting the U.S. car companies to fail?

I'm at my wit's end trying to figure out the strategies of G.M. and Ford...

Not to forget Chrysler, but as we all know, by now, they are not considered an American

car company anymore.

Why do the "Aussies" and Asians always get the cool cars and trucks?:angry:
Ford needs a convertible to compete with the S2000 and Saturn Sky/Pontiac Solstice. If I were in the market for a convertible sports car, I would be test driving the Sky or Solstice. Much better looking then the Miata.

The 4-Trac would be a big hit. People want the versitility of a truck, but not everyone needs a big F-150 4x4. A small AWD car to compete with Subaru would bring Ford back into peoples minds too.

For crying out loud, Ford does not even offer a sub-compact worth looking at. I am sorry, the Focus is ugly. I don't care about how great it rides/handles/feels/whatever...whatever...whatever... It is ugly...plain and simple. If I am going to drive an ugly car, it better give me something in return. $$$ Bring the Ka to the USA. Build it in Atlanta. The plants are already here.

Quit going to the drawing board with the idea of a bigger truck. Trucks arent selling like they hope they would. You could make $5,000 on a truck and sell 75,000 of them, or make $500 on a small car and sell a million of them. The more people see a car on the road, the more people want them.

Ford biggest mistake was focusing on trucks. Ford builds the best trucks, plain and simple. people know it. Why should there be a Ford truck in the garage next to a Toyota or Honda? Why not have two Fords in the garage?

I'm curious as to how this new Full-Size Truck War is going to play out between the

new Silverado/GMC and the new Toyota Tundra, built in Texas, by the way! And the

new Ford Trucks, due out slightly later in the model year?

Most everyone I talk to at work (G.M.) is or are going for whichever vehicle provides

the biggest bang for the buck, and the best fuel economy! It's got me "Skeered!".

Tom, G.M. says the Chevy Aveo (built in Korea) is one of their hottest selling vehicles

this year!?!? Kind of like you were saying about the Focus... It's not visually appealing,

nothing to look at, but people are buying them like hotcakes because they get great/good

gas mileage!

Tom, it appears that you and I still have some taste left for "Automotive Aestethics"(?).

But it looks like a lot of people are runnin' scared toward smaller engines and fuel

economy, no matter how fugly the sheet metal is!

$2.00 a gallon gas has gone the wayside, just like 50-year marriages and Drive-Ins,

so sorry to say! They will never come back. Let's hope that Ford and G.M. are reading

the posts on this site and taking notes, although I will not hold my breath!:(
I'm curious as to how this new Full-Size Truck War is going to play out between the

new Silverado/GMC and the new Toyota Tundra, built in Texas, by the way! And the

new Ford Trucks, due out slightly later in the model year?

Most everyone I talk to at work (G.M.) is or are going for whichever vehicle provides

the biggest bang for the buck, and the best fuel economy! It's got me "Skeered!".

Tom, G.M. says the Chevy Aveo (built in Korea) is one of their hottest selling vehicles

this year!?!? Kind of like you were saying about the Focus... It's not visually appealing,

nothing to look at, but people are buying them like hotcakes because they get great/good

gas mileage!

Tom, it appears that you and I still have some taste left for "Automotive Aestethics"(?).

But it looks like a lot of people are runnin' scared toward smaller engines and fuel

economy, no matter how fugly the sheet metal is!

$2.00 a gallon gas has gone the wayside, just like 50-year marriages and Drive-Ins,

so sorry to say! They will never come back. Let's hope that Ford and G.M. are reading

the posts on this site and taking notes, although I will not hold my breath!:(
Most everyone I talk to at work (G.M.) is or are going for whichever vehicle provides

the biggest bang for the buck, and the best fuel economy!

Those are the same people that are biting off their own head. I don't feel sorry for them. If they won't buy what they build, why shouuld I buy it?

But Tom,

The guys (and gals) they hire down there in Texas will be building and probably buying the

new Toyota Tundra! They have been brainwashed into thinking that just because

Toyota, Honda, or Kia builds a plant in the U.S.., that they are an "American Car Company".

NOT!!! The Monies still go back overseas!

I'm glad, as a Union Man, that they have a better than average wage, for their local economy,

but I feel it's like the "Trojan Horse", thing! They're sneaking up on us! And although

we, as Union Brothers ( and Sisters) may not fall for their ruse, there are many other

people out there that will! We must still stick together for the one, true American

"Way of Life"!

(The Middle Class has made this Country what it is today, and GOD forbid, the

Government takes the Middle Class away, what is it all for, anyways)!!!

Like you said earlier, Tom, (Ver-Batim). I'm not gonna cut off my own nose just to

spite my face!:rolleyes::D:)
I understand that Ford will be building a AWD Fusion this year as well as the 500, MKZ and presumably the MKS as well as the Mercury dirivitives.

The pictured ST is wonderful and awesome, as we all say 'why not build these for our market'?

POST THE PIC ON BON!!! http://www.blueovalforums.com/forums/index.php?:wub:
re: I'd Sell My Mother's Shoes To Buy This! by tracnblack,9/1/2006 02:41 CT

But Tom,

The guys (and gals) they hire down there in Texas will be building and probably buying the

new Toyota Tundra! They have been brainwashed into thinking that just because

Toyota, Honda, or Kia builds a plant in the U.S.., that they are an "American Car Company".

NOT!!! The Monies still go back overseas!

What do you mean that the monies go back overseas? The high wage jobs that these assembly plants provide give US workers good pay, and these workers use their earnings to buy things from the local economy.

If you are mad at this, you should also be mad at Ford/GM/DaimlerChrysler for building vehicles in Mexico and Canada.

I'd rather be working for Toyota building Tundras than to be working for GM building Colorado/Canyons.

If you really want to be mad at someone, be mad at Ford/GM/DaimlerChrysler for building low-quality junk that gets horrible gas mileage that a foreign company can compete with by building a plant way over here, hiring and training new workers, and can make a higher-quality vehicle that has more features that customers demand.
I love that trac, I have about 10 pics of it from different angles I have picked up since I first saw it 6 months back. Even if it doesnt come available I think the acess to the aftermarket parts that are on it should be fun.
I could be mad at an import company that builds cars in the USA that gets tax breaks, free land, and special privileges for "bringing jobs to America". Ford does not get those offers.

Lets all play by the same rules. Ford and GM does. Why shouldn't Toyota or Honda?

re: I'd Sell My Mother's Shoes To Buy This! by Caymen,9/1/2006 09:23 CT

I could be mad at an import company that builds cars in the USA that gets tax breaks, free land, and special privileges for "bringing jobs to America". Ford does not get those offers.

Lets all play by the same rules. Ford and GM does. Why shouldn't Toyota or Honda?


Ford doesn't get those offers because it is laying off workers and closing plants.

Toyota and Honda are building new plants and bringing thousands of new jobs into our country.
Hey, tracnblack, are you suggesting that those people who work for Toyota should buy a Ford or GM just because of where the headquarters sits? That doesn't make a lick of sense.

I'll support the people who give me my money, and right now that's Toyota & Honda & Nissan. I bought my trac when I worked for a company that sold parts to Ford, but they went bankrupt. Now my new company sells to the Japanese big three. The last car I bought was a Toyota.

If people have an affiliation with one of the car companies, it makes sense that they would support them. The majority of people don't have a connection with any of these companies though, and will buy what car best works for them. That's why Ford, GM, & Chrysler are getting it handed to them right now.

I agree with you. You build GM, you should drive GM. You build Toyota, you drive Toyota.
