It's still going to be very tough to get anyone elected who promises or favors a Fair Tax or a Flat Tax. The problem is that there are so many people who do not pay any taxes that a Fair Tax, or a Flat Tax is going to mean they have to pay some taxes.
I suspect that if you paid some people a refund in advance, there would be so much corruption with that program that it would be impossible to tell the crooks from the truly needy.
Also, how do you pay someone a refund in advance without knowing how needed they will be the rest of the year? People will just make up any excuse to claim the tax refund in advance, and if there is not income tax to file, who knows if they are really needy?
I think a Fairer form of Tax would be a simple rule: Everybody pays 10% of their income that exceeds $10,000, No exceptions and No exemptions. Even the Millionaires and Billionaires pay 10% of their earnings and the first $10,000 is exempt, be it from wages, interest or other investments. Only that first $10,000 per individual and $20,000 for married couples, would be exempt. Throw out all the other exemptions and deductions for dependents, real estate taxes, mortgage interest, capital gains/losses,
The current problem we have is that they continue to want the wealthy to pay a higher tax rate but they also have all the loopholes that can shelter most of the money they earn.
I remember back in around 1969 or 1970, I was an E4 in the military, and Richard Nixon was President, and the news reported Nixon's tax return, and he paid less in income taxes than I did and he easily made 100 times more money than I did. Later it was revealed that the IRS did not allow all of his deductions, so he eventually did end up paying more than I did. It just shows that it's not how much you make it's how much taxes you can avoid that makes the system so unfair. Most people who make less than $100k per year cannot take advantage of may of the tax loopholes that the wealthiest people have available to them.