Increase Mileage 100% (It must be true, I read it on the internet!)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Spring, TX
The link below takes you to a website that says it has the answer to using hydrogen from water to boost gas mileage and makes your engine run better.

Let's all get one today!:p
That's a hefty cost for a simple tank of water :(

Why is all the info on one huge page, instead of on smaller pages? Why does the manner of speaking and poor conceptualization in the documentation make this seem like a Billy Mays wannabe wrote it?

Will the engine take offense to "HO" gas being used in it? ;)

So minute amounts of "Brown's Gas"/HHO will be produced and sent into your engine, allegedly producing gains, but where are the results/testing/evidence that this does anything besides suck your power to make spiffy bubbles in a tube?

The only thing on the site which had any merit was the "Hybrid cars are BS, and NOT cost effective" argument.
My favorite part:

IMPORTANT: We are going to reveal to you fuel saving techniques unknown to the average mechanic - so don't go around asking "experts" who think they know everything! Instead, order these books, test the technology and then contact us with any questions you may still have. You're lucky to have found this place because what you get here are unique and little-known energy saving FACTS - discovered by experimenting, not by theory.

These facts are not obvious. In every street corner you'll find an expert or two who may have listened to their schoolteacher but have never TOUCHED this technology. The only way to know:

(1) Don't listen to anybody!

(2) Read these books to discover how we are getting ACTUAL RESULTS right now,

(3) Test it yourself!

Gee, why wouldn't they want me to ask anyone?