Injustice Gov out of control.......

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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
A new thread. Not short, I think it prooves the point why many patriots, are afraid.

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My only objection to this video is that it points the finger at Obama, and yet I doubt that he was even aware of these raids...but yet they claim it was an abuse of his Executive Power? I even doubt that Attorney General Holder order theses raids or even knew they occurred.

Yes, I agree that the Federal Agents overstepped their authority, but it does not appear that anyone really knew what the raids were about. I suspect that the agents did not know if it was a drug raid, a raid on a terrorist group, or what? That is the results of poor supervision on the part of the Justice Dept, FBI, IRS an any other department or agency involved. I even know a person who works for the DEA and they are often called in to provide support for a raid involving other suspected crimes not related to Drugs..Often times they are not told what they are looking for, they are only there to secure the building and people. Other agents do the searching. When you don't know the reason for the raid, they can only assume the worst and that requires extreme caution...and perhaps over reactions.

The odd this is that these kinds of raids have been going on even before Obama took office but the video tends to only focus on those raids from the Obama era. I am not fan of Obama, but don't like to see one sided attacks that only tell one side of the story.

In the case of the Gibson Guitar raid, I am aware of the circumstances and it had to do with Gibson importing special tight-grained spruce wood, (which is the best choice of woods for tone quality in stringed instruments) from a export company in India. Gibson was raided by Federal Agents and their supply of wood for their guitars was confiscated. It appears that Gibson did nothing wrong, but the criminal activity was on the part of the company in India who was exporting the wood to Gibson. They did not have the proper export permits and Gibson was made the scapegoat. It seams that even if the fraud was committed by the exporter, the US importer still does not have the right to posses that product?

Correction: I said it was imported Spuce wood that got Gibson Guitars in trouble. It was actually Rosewood imported from Madagascar. Rosewood is on the endangered species list and cannot be imported to the US without proper export agreements from the country where the Rosewood is produced. Rosewood is the preferred wood of choice for the Fret Boards on guitars. The exporter in India did not have the proper authorization from Madagascar to export the raw wood, because Madagascar requires that to export Rosewood grown in Madagascar, requires that some manufacturing or shaping of the wood be done in Madagascar. Gibson imported raw Rosewood which is against US and international law. That still does not justify the Federal commando raid on the Gibson Guitar factory.

I don't think the reenactment in the video was necessary and probably was over exaggerated, in as much as they are blaming this all on Obama. That speaks volumes as to where they were wanting to lead their audience. :banghead:


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This is like saying President Warren Harding ordered specific moonshiner raids during Prohibition. Orders like that come from way down the chain of command.
I'm sad for the people that had a gun drawn on them or just simply having someone talking/yelling at them with their hand resting on the holster. Its a terrible feeling. I've had a gun pointed right at my head twice in my life. (i did nothing wrong) You never forget it. The helpless feeling stays with you your whole life. This can really affect folks the rest of their lives. It raises all kinds of emotions. And for just working there. Geeez. White collar crimes do not require this kind of raid. At least keep your guns holstered until you feel you life is in jeopardy. It's just paperwork people! I'm sure they all get debriefed in some sort of way before hand. If they are not, that is ridicules. Makes you think. What would you do? Try and walk out because they have no right and risk getting killed?

Have you ever been pulled over for a simple violation and the officer has his hand on his fire arm the entire time? I FULLY understand why they do this. But it still makes you feel VERY uncomfortable and you try not to move to quickly and wonder if they are going to mis-read some movement you make and get trigger happy. They might be in the wrong but too late for you. Times that feeling by a million. That's what those folks went through. Very sad.
...since they were going to throw the rights of citizens out the window anyway. They could have just entered when people were not there. But what fun what that be for them... Or at least right before/after the majority were not in the building. (maybe they did idk)

I worked at a facility that around 30 US Marshall's were holding/protecting a young boy for a few months(anyone remember Elian Gonzalez ?) They were all very nice people. But when they are told to jump into action they do whatever they are told. By who and under what authority is the question I guess.

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edit: the man with the gun was an INS agent
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Article- Clinton Regime Outdoes Itself by Snatching Elian Gonzalez

At 5:14 a.m. while attorneys for the young Cuban refugee negotiated his status with Justice Department officials ? eight Immigration and Naturalization Service officers used a battering ram to knock down the front door of Elian's great uncle, Lazaro. Wielding machine guns, the body-armor-clad agents knocked over a picture of Jesus Christ and a statue of the Virgin Mary on Easter Eve. They then kicked down another door inside the Gonzalez home.

According to Elian?s cousin, Marisleysis Gonzalez, federal agents held her at gun point while one screamed, "Give me the f - - - ing boy or we?ll shoot you." An NBC cameraman said federal gunmen kicked him in the stomach, hit his sound man with a rifle butt and yelled, "Don't move or we'll shoot."

A Border Patrol agent in a helmet and goggles soon pointed his assault rifle at Elian and the man who shielded him in his arms Donato Dalrymple, one of the fishermen who rescued him from the Atlantic Ocean last Thanksgiving. As Elian hollered, "Help me! Help me!", he was whisked away in a white van driven by yet another federale whose face was hidden in a ski mask. Onlookers, meanwhile, were kept at bay with pepper spray.

"Ms. Reno's decision to take the law as well as the child into her own hands seems worse than a political blunder. Even if well intended, her decision strikes at the heart of constitutional government and shakes the safeguards of liberty."

"Elian Gonzalez is now in a state of imminent danger to his physical and emotional well-being in a home that I consider to be psychologically abusive." Perhaps the Clintons and Janet Reno believed Elian would find federal gun muzzles psychologically soothing

... "So it goes these days in the land of the free and the home of the brave."

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