Intresting video about education

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I watched some of the previews. It is sad. I took an intrest into what was happening. During my 18 yr marrige. My wife is a certified elementrary educator. Some of the things that were going on in 3 different districts was appalling.

Cathy, had to cater to the administrative politics. Then try to open the minds of the kids. Cathy was very inteligent. Came up with many ways to excite the minds of the students. Then she would get told that is not coriculum to the standard test.

She grew up as a military brat. So she had a sense of controled disipline. That the admins didnt like. Even if kids was breaking written rules, 3 times a day. She taught 5th grade most often. Recieved a bunch of kids that wouldnt shut up, listen, do their work or exchange ideas. unless I volunteered on a day off. Then all was calm.

Most of these 5th grade boys were bigger than her 5', 130lbs. When in trouble they did try to back her down. Then the office wouldnt back her either.

So not only is our system off track. Their are many things wrong.

BTW, after 15yrs public school she threw in and went to private schools. Less $$ but happier.....

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