Keep it or trade it???

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Cliff R

Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score
Mansfield, OH
I have a 2001 ST 4x4 with 85,000 miles on it. I love this truck but it is starting to hit all the maintenace issues. Should I dump the money into the new brakes, shocks and upper & lower ball joints that it needs right now. Or, should I go trade it for a new 05 Trac while they are still on the lot since this is the last year they will look like they do now?

If the truck still meets your needs and is reliable, I would keep it. All of the items you listed can be fixed for about the price of your first new truck payment on the '05. :)
Maintenance is always cheaper than buying new. You will take a hit on the trade-in value and be faced with similar maintenance issues with any vehicle you drive for 85K miles.

If you don't want to deal with mainenance issues on any vehicle, generally it's best to sell them or trade them in every 2-3 years. Most maintenance issues do not become a problem until the vehicle is past 3 years old and less than 50K miles. At that time the vehicle is usually in good shape and has a decent residual value.


Get rid of it and get a Tacoma..............I'm kidding!

Keep it as your probably close or it is paid off? Maintenance is cheaper than buying one. I have a 2001 with 37K on it. No plans at all to trade it in as I finally found something that is reliable and maintenance has been very minor on the wallet.
GET RID OF IT WHILE U CAN lol!!! im goin through the same problems as u r im on 96,000. but i just changed all the ball joints, shocks, wheel bearings, exhaust system, torsion bars all within the last 15,000....this has cost me well over 1500 bucks, and ive been cuttin into my college money for it...idk your situation is different than mine prolly cuz your prolly older im only 18, but u might be able to pay for all that better than me...but im tryin to convince my dad to let me get an '04....

good luck



If you need a hand, let me know. I live in Akron. You are more then welcomed to come up to my place to fix and problems you have. I have plenty of tools if needed.

Repairs are cheaper then a new vehicle.

I have an '05. Bought new in July. Paying $442.00 @ month for it, 72 mo's. Got the

$2,500 rebate, $1,000 FoMoCo Credit rebate, and a Sloan Ford (Columbia,

TN.) Customer Cash Back (Dealer-Specific Money) of $1,000. Window sticker

was $30,816. I usually consider personal finances/what I paid for something,

my business, but since we are kinda' like family here (!), I don't mind sharing.

If you have 80-90,000 miles (Cliff and Andy!), these thing you mentioned are

not out of the ordinary, maintenance at all. If you have had no major, previous

issues, consider yourselves lucky. Example...I had a G.M. Employee friend of

mine recently complain to me that he just spent $850 dollars at the dealership

to have a water pump, thermostat and alternator put on his 2001 Silverado.

Got the "What a POS!" comments and everything from him untill I found out

that he had 205,000 HARD miles on this truck, and that was the only major

mechanical work that he had ever done to it! This is the type of guy that

brags if he has his oil changed once a year! Nice guy, but as far as his mechanical

know-how, I wouldn't let him check the air in my spare tire.

To sum it up, you do the math for your own personal situation and needs.

Maintenance, from purchase (that "first" oil change), all the way to where you are

now is key in determining if you should keep it, trade it or sell it. Only you know

if you "Drove it like you Stole It" for 80-90, 000 miles!!!:lol:
As others have said, if the vehicle is in good shape, the repairs will generally be cheaper than the cost of a new loan...... I have delayed getting DW a new vehicle to replace her Sable since it needs no repairs now (heater core is close though--1800.00) so we are driving it untill it needs a major repair and pocketing the car note ..... 330 a month in my pocket, it rapidly adds up for a down payment, especially since the used car market (trade in) sucks right now.

$1800.00 for a heater core? You have got to be kidding.

For a cheap fix that has worked for me in the past is Moroso Ceramic engine sealer.

Look into it. I used the stuff for a friend Lincoln Town Car. It had 180,000 miles on it when the right side head got a crack in it. The fix lasted until she sold the car with 275,000 miles on it. The mechanic actually suggested I try that before even attempting to repair the head. It is worth a shot.

<Font Color=RED><blink>EDIT:</blink></Font>I did a little research. The Ceramic engine sealer is not recomended for use with antifreeze, but Moroso also offers something that does.

<A href="">Here is a link to Summit Racing's website that has the stuff.</A href>

<A href="">And a link to the Moroso website to the product.</a href>

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